- 0 is a broken link
#49 opened by Flimm - 0
problem with reading file.rtf with table inside
#48 opened by russele7 - 3
Unicode error when reading RTF
#42 opened by pombredanne - 0
- 0
Parse colortbl and colored text
#45 opened by KOLANICH - 2
Python 3 support
#32 opened by ChristianKleineidam - 0
Import field text from RTFs
#43 opened by b-ad - 0
- 0
- 0
Exclude images when writing plain text files
#38 opened by shepdl - 0
- 4
Bump to 0.6.1?
#29 opened by joshma - 1
Add more tests, for instance from unrtf
#34 opened by pombredanne - 5
CJK characters support for RTF parse
#15 opened by darkranger-red - 2
newline for plaintext writer
#23 opened by flibustenet - 5
- 1
Implement lists in RTF reader
#26 opened by walling - 3
Please upload a new release to PyPi
#21 opened by benma - 1
- 2
rtf reader: decode argument TypeError
#7 opened by joka - 2
rtf to xhtml generates wrong non asci characters
#6 opened by joka - 3
rtf reader: unichr() causes ValueError ()
#4 opened by joka - 1
rtf to xhtml conversion ignores "}"
#5 opened by joka - 2
- 3
rft control word "\f0" not reconized
#2 opened by joka - 1
rtf reading example broken?
#1 opened by staytuned