
This is a sidebase merino app created by running npm create sidebase@latest. This project uses the following technologies for a great developer- and user-experience:

  • TypeScript
  • Nuxt 3
  • Prisma ORM
  • nuxt-auth
  • tRPC 10
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Naive UI
  • GitHub Actions based CI

How to get going?

This is a straight-forward setup with minimal templating and scaffolding. The options you selected during the sidebase CLI setup are all here though. Good places to continue reading are:

Some tasks you should probably do in the beginning are:

  • replace this generic README with a more specific one
  • install the Vue Volar extension
  • enable Volar takeover mode to ensure a smooth editor setup
  • install Nuxt 3 devtools if you want to use them
  • Prisma: Edit your prisma/prisma.schema to your liking
  • Prisma: Run npx prisma db push to sync the schema to your database & generate the Prisma Client
  • Auth: Configure your auth providers to the NuxtAuthHandler
  • Auth, optional: Enable global protection by setting enableGlobalAppMiddleware: true in your nuxt.config.ts. Delete the local middleware in the protected.vue page if you do


Make sure to install the dependencies:

npm install

Development Server

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

npm run dev


Build the application for production:

npm run build

Locally preview production build:

npm run preview