
Turing mod 1 paired project

Primary LanguageRuby


Turing Mod 1 paired project

After cloning, run 'ruby runner.rb' in the battleships directory to play!

After pressing P to play, the CPU player will place their ships, and direct you to do the same. Do this by first entering the coordinates for your Cruiser, which is 3 spaces long. Next, you will place your submarine by entering 2 spaces (currently limited to left-to-right and top-to-bottom - D2 D1 would have to be entered as D1 D2 or you will be prompted again with 'invalid placement').

You and the CPU will then take turns firing on each other, with the results of each shot displayed above the current board state. The board will update after each shot, reflecting a H for Hit, M for Miss, X for sunken ship, or "." if none of the above. Cells on your board containing a ship are marked with S.

Still a work in progress! Fair winds and following seas!