
Turing Mod 1 Group Project

Primary LanguageRuby


Starter repository for the Turing School Futbol project.


Brandon Johnson https://github.com/brenicillin https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandon-j-94b740b2/

Young Heon Koh https://github.com/kohyoungheon https://www.linkedin.com/in/kohyoungheon/

A 1-2 sentence summary or bullet points outlining your plan for check-ins throughout the duration of the project.

  • We plan to check in at least once daily 30 minutes to an hour after 4MT
  • We also plan to do unscheduled check-ins as necessary when stuck on an issue

A 2-4 sentence summary of your plan for project organization and workflow. This can include bullet points. If you plan to use a project management tool, please include a link to your project board.

  • We will use Name/class for branch names
  • Github projects

A 2-3 sentence summary describing the different approaches your group discussed for project organization and how you collectively made a decision on which to use.

  • We plan on using simpleCOv
  • We plan to use github projects
  • Two people check PRs
  • We decided this by discussing options and schedules

A 2-3 sentence summary describing your approach to the code design.

  • We plan to break it down by game/leage/season
  • We plan to try to implement a parent class or module to hold similar stastic methods
  • We made these decisions by discussing options

Include link to your initial DTR document and the date it was completed. If you do additional DTRs later in the project, you should link the revised versions here as well with the date. New versions should be listed alongside older versions. Do not delete old DTRs.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fVW08aEbsjB_rNVXmd515vlZbNgAizdAo3qsDnRg9tI/edit?usp=sharing -- UPDATED 3/2 (Used the same document, but second section is for later in the project)

https://jamboard.google.com/d/1qoVS0kbFur_274BDsR43Jgb8uANr4ypZdGIdXKarDko/edit?usp=sharing -- Jamboard used for fleshing out project blueprint + Retro

Top 3 things that went well during your project:

  1. Flexibility - The three of us did a great job of rebounding after a major refactor
  2. Communication - We had a near constant stream of communication during work time, consistently discussing changes being made & plans moving forward
  3. Collaboration - We also did a great job of teaching and learning from each other, offering insight when another was stuck and working together to push forward.

Top 3 things that your group would do differently next time:

  1. Take more time to plan ahead and flesh out an idea of what the project will look like, planning out interactions.
  2. Read the directions thoroughly - oversights resulted in, as mentioned before, a massive overhaul early in the project that may have bene avoided if we had paid closer attention to the directions 3)Consistency - Many of our methods wound up being very similarly named, or performing nearly the same function, definitely something we will look for in the future.