
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The Citizenpedia is human computation framework that complements the simplification features of the H2020 Simpatico Project. The framework is composed of two tools, the Question & Answers Engine (QAE) and the Collaborative Procedure Designer (CPD).

Questions & Answers Engine

This section describes the installation process for the QAE. The guide assumes that a Linux/Unix system is being used. The process has been tested in a Ubuntu Server platform.


  • Apache2, or any web server able to redirect traffic.

  • Git

  • Node.js and npm Node ^4.2.3, npm ^2.14.7

  • Ruby and then gem install sass

  • MongoDB - ^3.4

  • Bower (npm install --global bower)

  • Grunt (npm install --global grunt-cli)

NOTE: You shouldn't install manually sass gem, Bower and Grunt. They will be automatically installed with a provided script.

Installation and running instructions

1.- First, clone the repository in the desired location:

git clone https://github.com/SIMPATICOProject/citizenpedia.git citizenpedia

2.- In the target directory, run the first_run.sh script. It will install all the required dependencies needed (It can take several minutes to complete).

bash first_run.sh

3.- In the same directory, run the following command to run Citizenpedia:

grunt serve

The home screen of Citizenpedia should be accessible in https://localhost:9000/qae


The instructions of the previous section guide to deploy the Citizenpedia with the defaul configuration. However, some files can be edited in order to configure the app. Under directory:


the following files can be found:

  • development.js and production.js, in order to configure the development and production environment respectively
  • shared.js, to configure the variables that affect both development and production environments
  • index.js, that contains the variables for the default configuration of Citizenpedia

In the development.js file, we find some important constants:

  • port: 9000 - port where the app will be served.
  • seedDB: false - This option, if set to true, will initialize the database with test data.

In the shared.js, we find another important config:

  • path: '/qae' - This is the path where the app will be served (like http://localhost:9000/qae)
  • cpd_path: '/cpd' - This is the path where the questions relating a CPD diagram will return

In order to change this path, just edit this file and also /client/index.html to change this line:

Also, for changing the serving path, Apache2 has to be configured with a VortualHost and a reverse proxy. E.g:

  ProxyRequests Off
  ProxyPreserveHost On

  <Location /qae>
          ProxyPass http://localhost:9000

Note: Be careful not to add an ending '/' to the ProxyPass path.

For nginx e.g.:

location /qae {
        rewrite ^/qae/(.*) /$1 break;
        proxy_pass http://localhost:9000/;
        proxy_set_header   Host $host;

Home page configuration

Via configuration file, is easy to add and remove components from the home page.

Home components

Setting the following variables to true or false will show or hide the above components:


If a categories block is defined, an array of categories should be defined in the configuration file. For example:

home_categories_list: [
    {title :'Benestar', link :'questions/list/BS607A', image :'assets/images/svg/tag.png' },
    {title :'School', link :'categories/list/5913170c65c17ab8c2406a96', image :'assets/images/svg/5913170c65c17ab8c2406a96.png' },
    {title :'Community', link :'categories/list/5913170c65c17ab8c2406a97', image :'assets/images/svg/5913170c65c17ab8c2406a97.png' },
    {title :'Social Service', link :'categories/list/5913170c65c17ab8c2406a98', image :'assets/images/svg/5913170c65c17ab8c2406a98.png' },

Links and images paths can be relatives or absolutes.


The Citizenpedia is i18n-enabled, i.e., none of the displayed labes are hardcoded and the language of the deployment can be easily changed. To that end, two steps must be followed:

  • Add in the client/languages folder a json file that contains the translation to the desired language. File "en.json" (for English) can be used as an example.
  • Adding the "language: 'XX'" variable to any of the configuration files described above (e.g. shared.js in order to configure both development and production environments)

Make sure that the name of the json file within client/languages folder and the name of the variable match for the new language to work, e.g., in order to add Spanish language, create "es.json" under client/languages and add "language: 'es'" in the configuration file.

If a secondary language is needed, a secondlanguage value can be set in the configuration file, so a language selector will appear in the upper right corner of the navigation bar.

Profanity filter

A profanity filter, to avoid bad words from being posted on a question or comment, can be activated. In the config file, the option is:

profanityFilter: true

When activated, the text being entered in questions and answers is checked against bad words. If an unauthorized word is written, the text can't be sent.

The list of unauthorized words for every language can be found and edited in the client/profanity folder, having one file per language.

AAC Integration

The file


Has to be renamed to local.env.js in order to have some extra config constants that will be used in the app. There, the following constants must be declared for the integration with AAC:



QAE can be enhanced with gamification. In order to do this, Gamification Engine from Smart Community Lab has to be configured.

In /server/config/environment the following config options must be set:

  gamification: true,
  gamification_path: 'https://xxxxx:xxxx@server.com/gamification/',

If gamification is set, every user will have a badge next to their names and a top users ranking will be shown in the navigation bar.


For automation purposes, the file node-app_example can be used to configure the app as a Linux service, e.g. use "service qae start" to start the Citizenpedia.

Docker usage

A docker-compose.yml file is inside this repository in order to use QAE as a docker container. Just do

bash first_run.sh
docker-compose up

And QAE will be available via


Also the mongo config in the config file should be:

uri: 'mongodb:27017/paizaqa-dev'

Please note that this container does not include AAC for login.