Viewing Party

This is the base repo for the Viewing Party Lite project used for Turing's Backend Module 3.

About this Project

Viewing Part Lite is an application in which users can explore movie options and create a viewing party event for themselves and other users of the application.

Setup for the use of the project

  1. A conveyor belt link will be sent out at project kickoff so that you can both fork and copy the project board on this base repo.

Local Setup for any other use

  1. Fork and Clone the repo
  2. Install gem packages: bundle install
  3. Setup the database: rails db:create


  • We were able to implement the necessary API calls and get the data we needed to display on the page
  • We successfully implemented gems like Figaro, VCR, Webmock, and Faraday
  • Our code is logically organized and easy to read


  • We had trouble getting VCR to work initially, but we were eventually able to get it working
  • There was some confusion about what routes were necessary to implement
  • The user stories were a little vague, so we had to make some assumptions about what was needed which took time away from other goals


  • Ruby 2.7.2
  • Rails 5.2.6

Example wireframes to follow are found here