Code Club Rhwibina Robitics

Arduino Lesson plans

Lesson 1 topics

  1. Serial baud
  2. Bread boards
  3. C
  4. Components.
  • Led
  • Resistor ohms law.
  • Switch
  • Arduino
  • Breadboard
  • Wiring

Lesson 2 Sensors

  1. Distance sensor robot eyes.
  2. Components.
  • robot eyes
  • white line sensor _ other sensors.
  • Ardunio
  • Breadboard
  • Wiring
  • resistors

Lesson 3 Motora

  1. Create a fan.
  2. Code the fan to invert and change diresction.
  3. Components.
  • motor board.
  • Motors x1
  • Arduino
  • Breadboard

Lesson 4 McGuyver

  1. Buy a toy from charity shop something with wheels.
  2. Get group to help refactor toy with arduino leveraging it.
  3. Make it fun.
  4. Components
  • Arduino
  • Breadboard _ Whatever the charity shop bount provides

Lesson 5 Lets go Fly

  1. Ok lets make a flying vehicle using lego arduink and some motors.
  2. Explain Power Distributaion weight.
  3. Componebts
  • Brushless Dc Mini Motors
  • Arduino
  • Breaboard
  • Motor Board. -- Danger we cannot leave unsupervised these motors are fast --

Lesson 6 Vehicle Design

  1. Use sketchup to design you're vehicle Robot.

Lesson 7 - 8 Lets do this

  1. We are builind our vehivles / Robots