- 4
Uninstallation Addon by Home Assistant
#28 opened by lycheejp - 1
- 1
rejecting hostname with non-English characters
#26 opened by twisteria - 1
- 1
Support for HA Core Running Inside Docker?
#24 opened by redbeard1561 - 1
Unable to add your repository to HA
#22 opened by blakenorthrup - 1
[Question] Manual installation
#23 opened by dentex - 1
Home Assistant Cloudflare addon fail to connect
#20 opened by simo241 - 1
failed to sufficiently increase receive buffer size (was: 208 kiB, wanted: 2048 kiB, got: 416 kiB). See for details.
#21 opened by mark-baumann - 3
Provide option to change default protocol
#19 opened by baflo - 1
Tunenl is not created
#16 opened by smarts4home - 4
Unable to update addon
#17 opened by therickys93 - 1
Existing tunnel error
#15 opened by dico - 3
- 1
- 0
The webpage cannot be accessed after the Cloudflared version is updated to 4.1.7
#12 opened by bossben8 - 3
- 1
Addon keeps crashing
#6 opened by rjnca - 0
Repo added but addon cant be found
#7 opened by Doktor-X - 2
Broken Documentation Link
#5 opened by jak119 - 5
Cant Install Add-On on hassio rpi
#3 opened by wildblue - 1
addon not work
#4 opened by younesetre - 1