Resilency Map Project for National Day of Civic Hacking

Web app for collecting location data using Bing Maps! This is starter code, please fork and go to town!

Development Environment Setup:

  • $ git clone
  • $ cd resilience-map
  • You'll now need a MongoDB to store the map data. Here's instructions for how to do this on Azure's Cosmos DB
  • Take that connection string in put it in a .env file next to app.js:
  • Here's a snippet you can copy:
  • You'll also need a BingMapsCredentials.js in your public directory. Like this:
- Here's a snippet:
//Update this value with your Bing Maps key.
var BingMapsKey = 'AasdfasdfasdfasdfwNFdz2blihxwv8mPZdB5vEJR7epV3tluq67AFF75nFgVGzMH';
  • Now you can run these to start the app and visit localhost:3000 or localhost:8080 depending on your .env
  • $ npm install
  • $ npm start or nodemon app.js or node app.js

Resources for Continued development:

Create push pin add metadata: Good samples for continued development:

Also the BingMapsCredentials.js file (place inside of public):

//Update this value with your Bing Maps key.
var BingMapsKey = 'asdfasdfasdftNnk1wNFdz2blihxwv8mPZdB5vEJR7epV3tluq67AFF75nFgVGzMH';

Asset List:

Supplies Staff Food Water Energy/Fuel Medical Open Space Shelter


  • Customize asset icons
  • Figure out how to Make Aerial Mode less slow
  • Add delete button to form
  • Figure out the Bing Maps Security situation
  • Implement GeoJSON endpoint