
Primary LanguageAMPL


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The MDLText is a text classifier based on the minimum description length principle.

The MDLText can be tested with raw text documents or preprocessed documents stored in LIBSVM format. Moreover, the algorithm provides preprocessing modules, such as text normalization and stop-words removing.

How to use mdl-train

Usage: mdl-train [options] [input_fileName] [model_fileName]

   Relative path to a text file. Such file can be just one text sample to be trained, a index
   file with the paths to a set of samples, a file with a sample per line in the format
   <class>,<text> or a file in libsvm format  

    Name given to output model created by MDL after training

    -i input_type : set type of input file (default 0)  
        0 -- the path to just one text document  
        1 -- the path to a text file which has a list of paths to text documents  
        2 -- the path to a text file where each line is a sample in the format <class>,<text>      
        3 -- the path to a file in LIBSVM format 
   -c class: document class (necessary only when input_type = 0)
   -w term weighting scheme: set the term weighting scheme (default 1)
   	    0 -- if input type is a path to a file in LIBSVM format, it will be used the weigths shown in the file,
   			otherwise it will be used the raw term-frequency (TF) weighting scheme
   	    1 -- term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF)
   	    2 -- binary
   -b batch_tfidf : set wheter the TF-IDF weight will be calculated in batch learning or does not (default 1)
   			(necessary only when term weighting scheme = 1)
       0 -- false: the TF-IDF weigth will be calculated incrementally
       1 -- true: the TF-IDF will be calculated in batch, that is by using information of all training documents
   -t tokenizer_id : set the type of tokenizer (default 1)
       1 -- tokenizer A: Convert any non-alphanumeric char to whitespace and tokenize by space
       2 -- tokenizer B: Tokenize by {. , ; space enter return tab} and preserve the first
                         and last chars. The remainder ones are kept if they are alphanumeric
   -n apply_normalization : (default 0)
       0 -- false (don't normalize words, e.g. 'going' -> 'go')
       1 -- true (apply text normalization)
   -r remove_stopWords : (default 1)
       0 -- false (don't remove the stop words)
       1 -- true (remove the stop words)
   -s save_type : how model should be updated (default 0)
       0 -- the model is updated only after all documents are trained
       1 -- the model is updated after each document is trained

How to use mdl-classify

Usage: mdl-classify [options] [input_fileName] [model_fileName] [output_fileName]

   Relative path to a text file. Such file can be just one text sample to be trained, a index
   file with the paths to a set of samples, a file with a sample per line in the format
   <class>,<text> or a file in libsvm format

   File name of the model used by MDL to classify the messages


   -i input_type : set the type of input file (default 0)
       0 -- the path to just one text document
       1 -- the path to a text file which has a list of paths to text documents
       2 -- the path to a text file where each line is a sample
       3 -- the path to a file in LIBSVM format
   -w term weighting scheme: set the term weighting scheme (default 1)
   	    0 -- if input type is a path to a file in LIBSVM format, it will be used the weigths shown in the file,
   			otherwise it will be used the raw term-frequency (TF) weighting scheme
   	    1 -- term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF)
   	    2 -- binary
   -t tokenizer_id : set the type of tokenizer (default 1)
       1 -- tokenizer A: Convert any non-alphanumeric char to whitespace and tokenize by space
       2 -- tokenizer B: Tokenize by {. , ; space enter return tab} and preserve the first
                         and last chars. The remainder ones are kept if they are alphanumeric
   -n apply_normalization : (default 0)
       0 -- false (don't normalize words, e.g. 'going' -> 'go')
       1 -- true (apply text normalization)
   -r remove_stopWords : (default 1)
       0 -- false (don't remove the stop words)
       1 -- true (remove the stop words)
   -f feature_relevance_function : function to calculate the relevance of tokens (default CF)
       CF -- Confidence Factors
       DFS -- Distinguishing Feature Selector
       NO -- not use any function
   -o omega : set omega (vocabulary size) (default 2^10) 


We provide some text collections in folder examples/

To employ MDL classifier on polarityReview text collection in which each sample is a text file:

  • For training:

      ./mdl-train -i 1 examples/polarityReview/polarityReview_train models/mdl_polarityReview.mod
  • For classifying:

      ./md-classify -i 1 examples/polarityReview/polarityReview_test models/mdl_polarityReview.mod results/mdlCF_polarityReview.res

To employ MDL classifier on SMS Spam Collection in which each sample is a line of a text file:

  • For training:

      ./mdl-train -i 2 examples/SMSSpamCollection/smsspamcollection_train models/mdl_SMS.mod
  • For classifying:

      ./mdl-classify -i 2 examples/SMSSpamCollection/smsspamcollection_test models/mdl_SMS.mod results/mdlCF_SMS.res

To employ MDL classifier on datasets stored in LIBSVM format:

  • For training:

      ./mdl-train -i 3 examples/libsvm_format/reuters_train.libsvm models/mdl_reuters.mod
  • For classifying:

      ./mdl-classify -i 3 examples/libsvm_format/reuters_test.libsvm models/mdl_reuters.mod results/mdlCF_reuters.res