A library to convert numbers in full to actual numbers
Bhaskara is a small library that aims to convert written numbers in real integers for programming purposes, providing an easy interface for extending your own languages.
$ npm install --save-dev bhaskara
var bhaskara = require('bhaskara');
bhaskara('zero'); // 0
bhaskara('ten'); // 10
bhaskara('one hundred eighty-nine'); // 189
bhaskara('forty-two million and one'); // 42000001
bhaskara('twenty-two trillion ninety-two'); // 22000000000092
bhaskara('a duck'); // NaN, because a duck is not a number
If installed globally, you can use bhaskara as a command line utility, for instance:
$ bhaskara --locale en forty-two
$ 42
Available locales: en
, pt
The function takes three arguments with the format bhaskara(number, [locale, [mapper]])
Type: string
The number in full to be converted.
Type: json
or string
Default: 'en'
should be either a json object with the main translations for the language, for instance, "twenty": 20
; or a string, representing a built-in language.
Type: function
Arguments: number : number
A function that takes a number as parameter and must return either an array of numbers or a number. This function aims to filter the numbers after being translated. This function must ensure that no number is a composition of a power of ten, i.e. every number must be in the range [0-9]
or be a base 10^x
If no mapper
is given and there is no default mapper for the locale
provided, then the identity function is used.