
Classifier based on the Minimum Description Length Principle

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Gaussian Mixture Descriptors Learner (GMDL)



Run sh ./install.sh. On Ubuntu-based systems run this command as sudo.


Run make and ./gmdl.app to run.


usage: GMDL [options] ... 
  -i, --inline               pass configurations parameters inline instead of reading json file
      --stdin                reads from stdin (prioritized)
  -q, --quiet                omits logging when classification fails
      --online               makes algorithm online
      --confusion-matrix     prints confusion matrix
      --label                the index of the column that should be considered the label (int [=0])
      --labels               the labels of the dataset comma-separated (string [=])
      --set                  the key to the set in the config file that should be read (string [=])
  -p, --path                 the path in which to look for datasets (string [=])
      --training             the name of the traning set (string [=])
      --testing              the name of the testing set (string [=])
      --config               the path to the config json file (string [=./config.json])
      --learning_rate        the learning rate used to the SGD on the theta exponents (double [=0.01])
      --momentum             the momentum used to the SGD on the theta exponents (double [=0.9])
      --tau                  the exponent of the prototype distance used to separate classes (double [=1])
      --omega                the default description length assumed when there is no clue about the data being assessed (double [=-32])
      --forgetting_factor    the factor by which the samples in the mixture are considered outdated (1 = no forgetting) (double [=1])
      --sigma                the standard deviation to the noise applied when the covariance matrix is getting close to be singular (double [=1])
      --dimension            the number of attributes in the dataset (mandatory for online learning) (int [=0])
  -?, --help                 print this message

You can also use a config.json with the same keys as in config.example.json. Note that you must use this json in order to provide the classes being examined.