
Set is an imperative programming language with focus on teaching mathematics, therefore, it is aimed at teachers and students. The language handles sets as one of the primitive types.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


Set is an imperative programming language with focus on teaching mathematics, therefore, it is aimed at teachers and students. The language handles sets as one of the primitive types.

About the interpreter

The interpreter of the set programming language was a homework of the Concepts and Paradigms Programming Language course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The interpreter was developed using the Haskell language. We used Alex to generate the Haskell lexical analyzer for our language and we used the Parsec library to implement the parser and the interpreter.

Note: One of the language's basic primitive type was not implemented due to time issues.


To compile the interpreter use the make.sh file.


Running a program

To run a set program use the following command:

./set <file-name>

Requirements implemented

  • Primitive types
  • Array type
  • If statement
  • While statement
  • Break statement
  • Continue statement
  • Print
  • User input
  • Set type
  • Matrix type
  • Pointer type
  • User types
  • Function
  • Procedure


A set program has the following structure:

program <program-name>
end <program-name>

Hello World in set:

program helloworld
    print("Hello World!");
end helloworld


program helloworld
    # Comments
    print("Hello World!");
end helloworld

Primitive Data types:

Nat : x := 1;
Int : x := 1;
Int : y := -1;
Real : x := 1.0;
Real : y := -1.0;
Bool : x := true;
Bool : y := false;
Text : x := "Hello world";
# Array[Type,Size] : x;
Array[Nat,3] : x;
x[0] := 1;
x[1] := 2;
x[2] := 3;
print("{x[0]=" + x[0] + ",x[1]=" + x[1] + ",x[2]=" + x[2] + "}");
Types Coercion
Nat Int, Real, Text
Int Real, Text
Real Text
Bool Text
Text -
Array Text


Arithmetic operations
  1. Sum:

     program sum
         Nat : x := 1;
         Int : y;
         y := 1;
         Int sum := x + y; # Result: 2
     end sum
  2. Subtraction:

     program subtraction
         Nat : x := 1;
         Int : y := 1;
         print(x - y); # Result: 0
     end subtraction
  3. Multiplication:

     program multiplication
         Real : x := 5.0;
         Int : y := 2;
         print(x * y); # Result: 10.0
     end multiplication
  4. Division:

     program division
         Real : x := 10.0;
         Int : y := 2;
         print(x / y); # Result: 5.0
     end division
Boolean operations
  1. Equality

     program equality
         print(2 == 2); # Result: True
         print(2 == 1); # Result: False
     end equality
  2. Conjunction

     program conjunction
         print((1 == 1) && (2 == 2)); # Result: True
         print((1 == 1) && (2 == 1)); # Result: False
         print((2 == 1) && (1 == 1)); # Result: False
         print((2 == 1) && (2 == 1)); # Result: False
     end conjunction
  3. Disjunction

     program disjunction
         print((1 == 1) || (2 == 2)); # Result: True
         print((1 == 1) || (2 == 1)); # Result: True
         print((2 == 1) || (1 == 1)); # Result: True
         print((2 == 1) || (2 == 1)); # Result: False
     end disjunction
  4. Greater than

     program greaterthan
         print(2 > 1); # Result: True
         print(1 > 2); # Result: False
         print(1 > 1); # Result: False
     end greaterthan
  5. Smaller than

     program smallerthan
         print(2 < 1); # Result: False
         print(1 < 2); # Result: True
         print(1 < 1); # Result: False
     end smallerthan
  6. Greater than or equal to

    program greaterthanorequal
        print(2 >= 1); # Result: True
        print(1 >= 2); # Result: False
        print(1 >= 1); # Result: True
    end greaterthanorequal
  7. Smaller than or equal to

    program smallerthanorequal
        print(2 <= 1); # Result: False
        print(1 <= 2); # Result: True
        print(1 <= 1); # Result: True
    end smallerthanorequal
String manipulation operations
  1. Concatenation:

    program concat
        Real : x := 2.0;
        Real : y := 2.0;
        Text : s := "of the sum:";
        print("Result " + s + (x + y)); # Result: "Result of the sum: 4.0"
    end concat

Condition structure

The only condition structure is the if-elseif-else:

program conditionstructure
    if (1 > 2)
        print("Something wrong.");
    elseif (2 > 1)
        print("Something wrong.");
end conditionstructure

Repetition structure

The only repetition structure is the while:

program repetitionstructure
    Nat : count := 0;
    while(count < 10)
        count := count + 1;
end repetitionstructure

Input and Output

program inputoutput
    Text : t;
    input(t); # Get user input
    print(t); # Print user input
program inputoutput


Breno Viana Felipe Barbalho PatrĂ­cia Cruz Raul Silveira Jackson Rauup