.net Webhook demo

This is a simple demo of how to create a webhook in a minimal API. Granted it is a very naive implementation, but if you don't know where to start, this might be a good option.


What is going to happen

The clients will subscribe to receive every new message posted to the server. The sender will post a message every 5 seconds and that message will be forwarded to all subscribers.

The message format:

  "createdAt": "2021-10-10T00:00:00.0000000Z",
  "quote": "This is a quote",
  "luckyNumbers": [1,2,3,4,5,6]

How to run

To get everything up and running quickly, you can execute the run-server-test.bat on the root folder. Or you could run the commands separately:

Running the server

dotnet run --project .\server\Raccoon.Ninja.WebHook.Server\Raccoon.Ninja.WebHook.Server

Running two subscriber clients

dotnet run --project .\server\Raccoon.Ninja.WebHook.Server\Raccoon.Ninja.WebHook.Cli.Subscribe --configuration Debug -- 8080
dotnet run --project .\server\Raccoon.Ninja.WebHook.Server\Raccoon.Ninja.WebHook.Cli.Subscribe --configuration Release -- 8081

Running the sender client

dotnet run --project .\server\Raccoon.Ninja.WebHook.Server\Raccoon.Ninja.WebHook.Cli.Sender

Next Steps

  1. Implement another API server using SignalR
  2. Implement react and angular clients to consume that API