Snake Game Clone

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Not a full game, but a playable one. Probably buggy... (or full of crazy features, depending on if you're a 'glass half full kind of person')

I left a lot of comments on this script to help people understand better what is happening.


  1. You move by using the directional keys.
  2. If you hold any directional key, the snake will speed up. (I'll remove this in the future.)
  3. Snake will grow in size everytime you eat something.
  4. If you hit yourself or the borders of the screen, game over!
  5. To leave the game, press ALT+X


Quick video demo of this game

How to install

Install the dependencies using the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you're on Windows, you also need to install the requirements-windows.txt file.

pip install -r requirements-windows.txt

How to play

Just run the main script.

Without logging gameplay


Logging gameplay

python --log


python -l


  1. Create tests
  2. Show play area borders
  3. Print the name of the game
  4. Print (and update) the score