
What a development environment might look like

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Development Process

Where a reaction CLI exists:

Getting Started

reaction create-project api (later on create-project storefront and create-project admin will exist)

Copies the files in this repo and git inits it (this will also be the repo they will use for deployment)

reaction develop

  1. Launches the mongo docker
  2. Runs npm run start:dev in watch mode

reaction create-plugin api my-plugin (later on this should have more specific templates for types of plugins)

  1. Places templated plugin in custom-packages directory and adds it to plugins.json

reaction publish

  1. Publish packages in custom-packages directory to npm (or github) via Lerna

reaction docker build

  1. Change links in plugins.json to point to npm packages, not local
  2. Builds docker file


reaction deploy