Why are we here?

We are focused on holding companies accountable.

In response to the Black Lives Matter, many companies posted simple soldarity statements without committing to actual change. We want to hold companies accountable by highlighting the change (or lack of change) they have implemented in their teams, as well as the diversity of the leadership in their company.

How to get started

This app is built on the static-site generator 11ty. The design uses Bootstrap4.

1. Clone this Repository

git clone https://github.com/DiversityCorp/companies-on-blm.git

2. Navigate to the directory

cd companies-on-blm

3. Install dependencies

npm install

4. Install Eleventy

npm install -g @11ty/eleventy

5. Run the Eleventy server locally

npm run serve

6. Open localhost:8080 on the browser of your choice! ✨

Implementation Notes

  • companies/ has the company data. All that is required is the company value.
  • look in the examples folder for a template on how to add data for a company.
  • This site uses two layouts:
    • _includes/layouts/base.njk: the top level HTML structure
    • _includes/layouts/company.njk: the company page template (wrapped into base.njk)