
Source files used to build the https://www.okd.io site

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo contains the sources for the OKD.io.


Note Node.js is a required dependency on Linux machines

Firstly install the necessary packages on your machine:

sudo apt-get install ruby-full
sudo gem install bundler
sudo bundle install

To develop on your local machine run the middleman server and you should be able to preview your changes at http://localhost:4567

bundle exec middleman server

Developing with a local container

To test a local version of the site using a containerized builder/server, please see the local containerized server instructions.

Create Blog article

Create a file in the directory source/blog.

The filename must be in the format: yyyy-mm-dd-<title>.html.markdown

The first lines of the file must contain this:

title: <TITLE>
date: yyyy-mm-dd (exactly the same date as for the filename!)
tags: upgrade (choose tags to categorize articles)

< MARKDOWN :-) >


To deploy your changes please submit a pull request while following our contribution guidelines

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