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Micro service and web app created for a Meetup demo.
This repo contains everything needed to build a machine learning model on the Kaggle Titanic dataset and implement that model as aweb app / API using AWS API Gateway and Lambda.
The deployment process is performed using Zappa.
Web App:
Make a POST request to the /titanic
with the following form-data:
Pclass - Cabin Class - [1, 2, 3]
Sex - [0: female, 1: male]
Age - <Positive Integer>
SibSp - <Positive Integer>
Parch - <Positive Integer>
Fare - <Float>
Embarked - [0: Southampton, 1: Cherbourg, 2: Queenstown]
Alone - [0: Not Alone, 1: Alone]
- SibSp - Number of Siblings or Spouses Aboard
- Parch - Number of Parents or Children Aboard
- Fare - Amount Paid for Ticket
- Embarked - Embarked Location
If you'd like to develop on this, the initial workflow was using the
file to describe a Conda environment and build the
file to build the virtualenv from there.
Note: The reason for two different environments is a combination of development ease and Zapp (at the time of making this) doesn't support conda environments.
To build the conda environment use the following from the root directory:
conda env update
To extract the dependencies from the conda environment use the following from the root directory (Only if they need to be updated):
make update-requirements
To build the virtualenv for Zappa deployment (or development if you choose) use the following:
make init
The web app and api can be run locally using the flask server. The following can be used to start, stop and restart the flask server, respectively:
make start
make stop
make restart
Note: If for any reason while attempting to start the flask server you
an error stating that one is already running or the port is in use
(and make stop
doesn't work), you can identify the running process using
make find-pid
to find the running process for manual termination.
To run the tests, execute the following from the root directory:
make test
To execute the model training script, use the following from the root directory (assuming the virtualenv has been created):
make train
Upon completion, the script will output a model to the models/
called titanic_model.pkl
To deploy the wap/api to the web, first ensure you've setup Zappa and then run the following to deploy, update and destroy the stack, respectively:
make deploy
make redeploy
make remove
If you should see any errors, or are curious to view the AWS logs, Zappa allows you to do this and can be done by using the following from the root directory:
make logs