
submit jobs to slurm with quick-and-dirty python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

quick and dirty lib for submitting jobs to slurm via python2/python3.

from slurmpy import Slurm

s = Slurm("job-name", {"account": "my-account", "partition": "my-parition"})

The above will submit the job to sbatch automatically write the script to scripts/ and automatically write logs/{name}.err and logs/{name}.out. It will have today's date in the log and script names.

The script to run() can also contain $variables which are filled with the cmd_kwarg dict. E.g. echo $name could be filled with cmd_kwargs={'name': 'sally'}

A command can be tested (not sent to queue) by setting the _cmd are to run as e.g. "ls". The default is sbatch which submits jobs to slurm.


Each time slurmpy.Slurm().run() is called, it returns the job-id of the submitted job. One or more of these can be provided as arguments to a subsequent job:

s = Slurm()
s.run(..., depends_on=[job_id])
# or for multiple dependencies
s.run(..., depends_on=[job_id_1, job_id_2, job_id_3])

to indicate that this job should not run until the the job with job_id (or ids job_id_1-3) has finished successfully.

Additionally, SLURM allows you to define how a job depends on previous jobs e.g. should it run only on success or always etc. For this slurmpy.Slurm().run() provides an additional argument depends_how:

s = Slurmp()
s.run(..., depends_on=[job_id], depends_how='afterany')

currently supported are the following options with "afterok" as default: "after", "afterany", "afterburstbuffer", "aftercorr", "afternotok", "afterok", "expand" More details can be found here: https://slurm.schedmd.com/sbatch.html in the --dependency section.


pip install slurmpy --user