by Brent Neal Reeves.
Javascript flash card page for memorizing word associations, names and faces, etc.
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Supports text and images. Here are some example lists.
Pictures and Names. If you have a folder of image files, for example student pictures of type .jpg, use "file://" URL:
file:///Users/bubba/pix/BillyJoe.jpg,Billy Joe file:///Users/bubba/pix/JoeBob.jpg,Joe Bob file:///Users/bubba/pix/BubbaBlee.jpg,Bubba aka Dipstick
Or how about a list of web images? Use "http://".
http://pix.com/BillyJoe.jpg,Billy Joe http://pix.com/JoeBob.jpg,Joe Bob http://pix.com/BubbaBlee.jpg,Bubba aka BubbaBlee
Memorizing numbers (Dale Carnegie):
1,gun 2,zoo 3,tree 4,door 5,hive 6,stick 7,heaven 8,gate 9,wine 10,den
Or memorizing numbers more sophisticatedly (Harry Lorayne):
1,tie 2,noah 3,ma 4,rye 5,law 6,shoe 7,cow 8,ivy 9,bee 10,toes
Memorizing a card deck (Harry Lorayne):
Ace of clubs,cat 2 of clubs,can 3 of clubs,comb 4 of clubs,core 5 of clubs,coal 6 of clubs,cash