
Twilio IP Messaging Mini Hack for Xamarin Evolve 2016

Primary LanguageC#

Twilio Mini Hack

Welcome fine adventurer to the Twilio Mini Hack. This simple hack will introduce you to Twilio IP Messaging which allows you to build chat functionality into your native iOS and Android applications without having to build and scale a backend infrastructure.

Once you've completed this minihack in a short period of time you'll have a fully functioning chat application that works on the web, iOS and Android.

Sounds amazing, doesn't it? We think so too!

We think you'll be able to complete this mini hack in 10 minutes. If you get stuck or have any questions, no problem. Head over to the Twilio booth and we'll be happy to walk through some code with you.

Alright. With the intro out of the way, let’s get building!

Mini Hack Requirements

Developers using Macs can build either the iOS or Android versions of this hack. You'll need to make sure you have the following installed:

  • a copy of Xamarin Studio with either Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Android

Windows developers will only be able to build the Android version of the hack (unless they are running Windows in a VM on a Mac). You'll need to make sure you have the following:

  • Visual Studio 2015
  • Xamarin for Windows with Xamarin.Android
  • Administrator access to your development machine.

Of course if you have any questions about your specific development environment, head over to the Twilio booth and we'll be happy to help you out.

Getting Started

To get started you'll need to set up a bit of infrastructure.

As you might expect, the first thing you'll need is a Twilio account. Don't worry, trial accounts are free, so if you don't already have one, head on over to the Twilio website and sign up. I'll wait right here while you do it.

You're back! Fantastic. Let’s move on to the second thing you'll need.

To make all of this work we will need some server code to generate access tokens. An access token tells Twilio who a chat user is and what they can and can't do within the IP Messaging service. You can find out more about access tokens here.

If you're on Windows, head over to this guide and follow the instructions to get the ASP.NET version of our quickstart working on your machine. The ASP.NET quickstart server won't run properly in Xamarin Studio so if you're on a Mac or you'd like to use a different backend language on Windows you'll need to head here and choose a language of your choice from the list of available quickstart servers.

Once you have it set up correctly, open it in your browser and you should be looking at a chat application. You've been granted an access token by the server and assigned a random username. We'll use this same server infrastructure to request a token for our mobile application so keep it running and keep the URL handy. I'll refer to this URL later as YOUR_TOKEN_SERVER_URL.

Now it's time to choose your adventure. Open up the mini hack solution and jump to the platform you'd like to build your chat application in:


Alright iOS ninja, are you ready to build a chat application? Fantastic!

Start by finding the iOS project we've provided in the hack solution:

iOS Project Highlight

This project has the main user interface objects for our chat app already created in Main.storyboard and some basic keyboard handling code in ViewController.cs. It also contains a table view cell that we'll use to display chat messages. What we'll do over the next few minutes is light up those UI objects with Twilio IP Messaging.

To get started, let's add the Twilio IP Messaging NuGet packages. Right-click on the Packages node inside the TwilioMiniHack.iOS project and select Add packages...:

Add packages

Search for "Twilio IP Messaging" in the Add Packages dialog and check the boxes next to "Twilio IP Messaging for Xamarin" and "Twilio Common Library for Xamarin" and click the Add Package button in the bottom-right:

Packages dialog

Now that we have Twilio IP Messaging in our project, let's add the following using statements to the top of ViewController.cs:

// For IP Messaging
using Twilio.Common;
using Twilio.IPMessaging;

In ViewController.cs, let's configure the ViewController it so that it implements the following interfaces:

public partial class ViewController : UIViewController, ITwilioIPMessagingClientDelegate, IUITextFieldDelegate, ITwilioAccessManagerDelegate
  // ...

ITwilioIPMessagingClientDelegate handles the events we receive from the IP Messaging service while ITwilioAccessManagerDelegate is used to coordinate authentication events with the service. We'll add the methods to implement these interfaces as we go along.

Since this is a chat app and we'll be doing a lot of work with messages, let's create a class that will help manage them for our table view. This class will be a subclass of UITableViewSource so that we can not only store our Message objects but also provide our table view with the methods it needs to render them.

Create a new class and call it MessagesDataSource. Replace the template code in this class with the following:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Twilio.IPMessaging;
using UIKit;

class MessagesDataSource : UITableViewSource
		public List<Message> Messages { get; private set; } = new List<Message>();

We'll need the ability to add messages to the list as they come in so let's add that to MessagesDataSource:

public void AddMessage (Message msg)
		Messages.Add (msg);

Finally, we need the NumberOfSections, RowsInSection and GetCell method overrides that configure our table view to display the messages. Add these to MessagesDataSource:

public override nint NumberOfSections(UITableView tableView)
	return 1;

public override nint RowsInSection(UITableView tableView, nint section)
	return Messages.Count;

public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath indexPath)
    var message = Messages [indexPath.Row];

    var cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell ("MessageCell") as MessageCell;
    cell.Message = message;
    cell.SetNeedsUpdateConstraints ();
    cell.UpdateConstraintsIfNeeded ();

    return cell;

The GetCell method uses the MessageCell class that is already provided in the mini hack solution.

The table view data source is good to go so let's populate our table view. Back in ViewDidLoad of the ViewController.cs, create a MessagesDataSource object and set it as the table source. While we're here we'll also provide the table view with some row dimension information:

MessagesDataSource dataSource;

public async override void ViewDidLoad ()

    // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(UIKeyboard.WillShowNotification, KeyboardWillShow);
    NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(UIKeyboard.DidShowNotification, KeyboardDidShow);
    NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(UIKeyboard.WillHideNotification, KeyboardWillHide);

    this.View.AddGestureRecognizer(new UITapGestureRecognizer(() =>

    dataSource = new MessagesDataSource ();
    tableView.Source = dataSource;
    tableView.RowHeight = UITableView.AutomaticDimension;
    tableView.EstimatedRowHeight = 70;

Our table view is ready to go, now we just need to connect to Twilio IP Messaging and load it up.

Connecting to Twilio IP Messaging

First, let's add some instance variables to our ViewController class to keep track of IP Messaging related things:

// Our chat client
TwilioIPMessagingClient client;
// The channel we'll chat in
Channel generalChannel;
// Our username when we connect
string identity;

Now let's add a method that will fetch an access token from our server:

async Task<string> GetToken ()
    var deviceId = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IdentifierForVendor.AsString ();

    var tokenEndpoint = $"https://YOUR_TOKEN_SERVER_URL/token.php?device={deviceId}";

    var http = new HttpClient ();
    var data = await http.GetStringAsync (tokenEndpoint);

    var json = JsonObject.Parse (data);
    // Set the identity for use later, this is our username
	  identity = json ["identity"]?.ToString ()?.Trim ('"');

	  return json["token"]?.ToString ()?.Trim ('"');

We pass in the device ID as a unique identifier and we're returned a token that includes our identity. Excellent, now let's go back to ViewDidLoad and create the IP Messaging client using the token. Add the following code to ViewDidLoad:

var token = await GetToken ();
this.NavigationItem.Prompt = $"Logged in as {identity}";
var accessManager = TwilioAccessManager.Create (token, this);
client = TwilioIPMessagingClient.Create (accessManager, this);

We use the returned token to create a TwilioAccessManager and then use that to create an IP Messaging client. We set our view controller as the delegate so we can handle the various delegate methods the TwilioIPMessagingClient needs to function. Now would be a great time to implement the ITwilioAccessManager interface. Add the following code to the ViewController class:

public void TokenExpired(Twilio.Common.TwilioAccessManager accessManager)
	Console.WriteLine("token expired");

public void Error(Twilio.Common.TwilioAccessManager accessManager, Foundation.NSError error)
	Console.WriteLine("access manager error");

Now let's use the IP Messaging client to get a list of channels and either join the general channel if it already exists or create it if it doesn't. Add this code to the bottom of ViewDidLoad:

client.GetChannelsList ((result, channels) => {
    generalChannel = channels.GetChannelWithUniqueName ("general");

	if (generalChannel != null)
		generalChannel.Join(r =>
			Console.WriteLine("successfully joined general channel!");
		var options = new NSDictionary("TWMChannelOptionFriendlyName", "General Chat Channel", "TWMChannelOptionType", 0);

		channels.CreateChannel(options, (creationResult, channel) => {
			if (creationResult.IsSuccessful())
				generalChannel = channel;
				generalChannel.Join(r => {
					generalChannel.SetUniqueName("general", res => { });


Next, head into Main.storyboard and double-click the SEND button in the bottom right to generate a click event for the button. Use this as the code for the button's Touch Up Inside event:

partial void SendButton_TouchUpInside (UIButton sender)
    var msg = generalChannel.Messages.CreateMessage (messageTextField.Text);
    sendButton.Enabled = false;
    generalChannel.Messages.SendMessage(msg, r => {

        BeginInvokeOnMainThread (() => {
            messageTextField.Text = string.Empty;
            sendButton.Enabled = true;


This button will allow us to send messages but what about when we receive messages in the channel? Let's add some code to handle that now. When a message is sent to the channel we'll use a method that handles the ipMessagingClient:channel:messageAdded: delegate method to load it into the datasource for our Messages and reload the table view:

public void MessageAdded(TwilioIPMessagingClient client, Channel channel, Message message)
	if (dataSource.Messages.Count > 0)

With this in place we can send and receive messages on the general channel and have a functioning chat app in iOS! Explore the Twilio Docs to find out what else you can do with your application. Show your completed application to a Xamarin to get credit for this mini hack. If you want, you can continue on to the Android implementation.


Alright Android warrior, are you ready to build a chat application? Wonderful!

Start by finding the Android project we've provided in the hack solution:

Android Project Highlight

This project has the main user interface objects for our chat app already created in Resources/layout/Main.axml and Resources/layout/MessageItemLayout.axml. What we'll do over the next few minutes is light up those UI objects with Twilio IP Messaging.

To get started, let's add the Twilio IP Messaging NuGet packages. Right-click on the Packages node inside the TwilioMiniHack.Android project and select Add packages...:

Add packages

Search for "Twilio IP Messaging" in the Add Packages dialog and check the boxes next to "Twilio IP Messaging for Xamarin" and "Twilio Common Library for Xamarin" and click the Add Package button in the bottom-right:

Packages dialog

Now that we have Twilio IP Messaging in our project, let's add the following using statements to the top of MainActivity.cs:

// For IP Messaging
using Twilio.Common;
using Twilio.IPMessaging;

Let's update MainActivity to set the Label attribute to "#general" and implement the IPMessagingClientListener, IChannelListener, and ITwilioAccessManagerListener interfaces. We'll also add a TAG for logging. We'll also declare the instance variables we'll need for the app:

[Activity(Label = "#general", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@mipmap/icon")]
public class MainActivity : Activity, IPMessagingClientListener, IChannelListener, ITwilioAccessManagerListener
	internal const string TAG = "TWILIO";

		Button sendButton;
		EditText textMessage;
		ListView listView;
		MessagesAdapter adapter;

		ITwilioIPMessagingClient client;
		IChannel generalChannel;

	// ...


IPMessagingClientListener handles the events we receive from the IP Messaging service, IChannelListener listens for channel-related events, while ITwilioAccessManagerListener is used to coordinate authentication events with the chat service. We'll add the methods to implement these interfaces as we go along.

Since this is a chat app and we'll be doing a lot of work with messages, let's create a class that will help manage them for our list view. This class will be a list view Adapter that will store our Message objects and will provide our list view with the information it needs to display them in a list.

Create a new class and call it MessagesAdapter. Replace the template code in this class with the following:

using Android.App;
using Android.Widget;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Twilio.IPMessaging;

namespace TwilioMiniHack.Droid
	class MessagesAdapter : BaseAdapter<IMessage>
		public MessagesAdapter(Activity parentActivity)
			activity = parentActivity;

		List<IMessage> messages = new List<IMessage>();
		Activity activity;

We'll need the ability to add messages to the list as they come in so let's add that to MessagesAdapter:

public void AddMessage(IMessage msg)
	lock (messages)

	activity.RunOnUiThread(() =>

Finally, we need the GetItemId, GetView, and Count method overrides that configure our adapter to display the messages. Add these to MessagesAdapter:

public override long GetItemId(int position)
	return position;

public override Android.Views.View GetView(int position, Android.Views.View convertView, Android.Views.ViewGroup parent)
	var view = convertView as LinearLayout ?? activity.LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.MessageItemLayout, null) as LinearLayout;
	var msg = messages[position];

	view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.authorTextView).Text = msg.Author;
	view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.messageTextView).Text = msg.MessageBody;

	return view;

public override int Count { get { return messages.Count; } }
public override IMessage this[int index] { get { return messages[index]; } }

The GetView method uses the MessageItemLayout layout that's already provided in the mini hack and configures it using the Message info.

Now that our MessagesAdapter is good to go let's get our UI set up for the chat app. Replace your OnCreate method with the following code:

protected async override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

	this.ActionBar.Subtitle = "logging in...";

	// Set our view from the "main" layout resource

	sendButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.sendButton);
	textMessage = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.messageTextField);
	listView = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.listView);

	adapter = new MessagesAdapter(this);
	listView.Adapter = adapter;

Here we're setting the ActionBar subtitle to indicate we're in the logging in phase of the app. Then we find the send button, message text and list view objects from our layout. Finally we set the list view's adapter to the MessagesAdapter we created earlier.

Our UI is ready to go and it's now time to connect it to Twilio IP Messaging.

Connecting to Twilio IP Messaging

First, let's add a method that will fetch our token and identity:

async Task<string> GetIdentity()
	var androidId = Android.Provider.Settings.Secure.GetString(ContentResolver,

	var tokenEndpoint = $"https://YOUR_TOKEN_URL/token.php?device={androidId}";

	var http = new HttpClient();
	var data = await http.GetStringAsync(tokenEndpoint);

	var json = System.Json.JsonObject.Parse(data);

	var identity = json["identity"]?.ToString()?.Trim('"');
	this.ActionBar.Subtitle = $"Logged in as {identity}";
	var token = json["token"]?.ToString()?.Trim('"');

	return token;

We pass in the androidId as a unique identifier and we're returned a token that includes our identity. Excellent, now let's go back to OnCreate and create the IP Messaging client using the token. Add the following code to OnCreate to initialize the SDK and call a Setup method that we'll add in the next step:


if (!TwilioIPMessagingSDK.IsInitialized)

	TwilioIPMessagingSDK.InitializeSDK(this, new InitListener
		InitializedHandler = async delegate
			await Setup();
		ErrorHandler = err =>
else {
	await Setup();

Next, we'll add the Setup method:

async Task Setup()
	var token = await GetIdentity();
	var accessManager = TwilioAccessManagerFactory.CreateAccessManager(token, this);
	client = TwilioIPMessagingSDK.CreateIPMessagingClientWithAccessManager(accessManager, this);

	client.Channels.LoadChannelsWithListener(new StatusListener
		SuccessHandler = () =>
			generalChannel = client.Channels.GetChannelByUniqueName("general");

			if (generalChannel != null)
				generalChannel.Listener = this;

The Setup method requests the token and identity using GetIdentity and then uses the token to create and AccessManager. The AccessManager is then used to create an IP Messaging client object. Next, it uses the client to request a list of channels and checks to see if a channel named general exists. If it does, it joins it using JoinGeneralChannel and if it doesn't if creates it and joins it using CreateAndJoinGeneralChannel. Let's add those two methods now as well as the override methods to handle the AccessManager events:

public void OnTokenExpired(ITwilioAccessManager p0)
	Console.WriteLine("token expired");

public void OnTokenUpdated(ITwilioAccessManager p0)
	Console.WriteLine("token updated");

void JoinGeneralChannel()
	generalChannel.Join(new StatusListener
		SuccessHandler = () =>
			RunOnUiThread(() =>
			   Toast.MakeText(this, "Joined general channel!", ToastLength.Short).Show());

void CreateAndJoinGeneralChannel()
	var options = new Dictionary<string, Java.Lang.Object>();
	options["friendlyName"] = "General Chat Channel";
	options["ChannelType"] = ChannelChannelType.ChannelTypePublic;
	client.Channels.CreateChannel(options, new CreateChannelListener
		OnCreatedHandler = channel =>
			generalChannel = channel;
			channel.SetUniqueName("general", new StatusListener
				SuccessHandler = () => { Console.WriteLine("set unique name successfully!"); }
		OnErrorHandler = () => { }

You may have noticed that the CreateAndJoinGeneralChannel method uses a CreateChannelListener class. We need to add that since it only exists as an abstract class in the IP Messaging SDK. Add this class to your MainActivity.cs file:

public class CreateChannelListener : ConstantsCreateChannelListener
	public Action<IChannel> OnCreatedHandler { get; set; }
	public Action OnErrorHandler { get; set; }

	public override void OnCreated(IChannel channel)

	public override void OnError(IErrorInfo errorInfo)

Now we need to add code to send a message when the sendButton is tapped. In OnCreate add the following line:

sendButton.Click += ButtonSend_Click;

Next, add the button click handler function:

void ButtonSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textMessage.Text))
		var msg = generalChannel.Messages.CreateMessage(textMessage.Text);

		generalChannel.Messages.SendMessage(msg, new StatusListener
			SuccessHandler = () =>
				RunOnUiThread(() =>
					textMessage.Text = string.Empty;

This button will allow us to send messages but what about when we receive messages in the channel? Let's add some code to handle that now. When a message is sent to the channel we'll use a method that handles the OnMessageAdd event to load it into the Adapter for our Messages and scroll it into view:

public void OnMessageAdd(IMessage message)
	listView.SmoothScrollToPosition(adapter.Count - 1);

One more thing, make sure to right-click on IPMessagingClientListener, IChannelListener and ITwilioAccessManagerListener interfaces and select "Implement interface" to put in default stubs for each of their methods that we haven't implemented.

With this in place we can send and receive messages on the general channel and have a functioning chat app in Android! Explore the Twilio Docs to find out what else you can do with your application. Show your completed application to a Xamarin to get credit for this mini hack.