
Light and fast IDE for c++, python, bash, golang and terrafrom

Primary LanguageVim script

This is a .vimrc config file for developing in C++, python3, bash, golang, terraform and nginx config file and html support.


  1. install valgrind;
  2. install clang-tools;
  3. install clangd;
  4. install cppcheck;
  5. install clang-format;
  6. install python3-pip;
  7. pip3 install bandit;
  8. pip3 install yapf (or istall yapf3 from distributive repo);
  9. install pylint;
  10. install golang (from official site or distributive repo);
  11. install golint;
  12. install shellcheck;
  13. install terraform (form official site or distributive repo);
  14. install vim-nox;
  15. install Vundle.vim (https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim);
  16. open .vimrc and run :PluginInstall;
  17. install Paper color vim plugin (https://github.com/NLKNguyen/papercolor-theme): just copy PaperColor.vim to ~/.vim/colors/

After all vim plugins installed one should cd YouCompleteMe directory and run:

  1. ./install.py --clangd-completer;
  2. set background value to dark/light in line 42 in .vimrc file ("dark" as default).

After that value USER in 85 line in .vimrc file should be substituted for actual one.

Hotkeys one gets:

F2 - save file;

F3 - wildmenu for python3 (after hit): run, code check (bandit), delete current file, format code;

F4 - wildmenu for C++ (after hit): run, run with multi-threads option, memory leakage check (valgrind), delete current file, format code;

F5 - wildmenu for bash (after hit): run, delete current file;

F6 - wildmenu for golang (after hit): run, buld, delete current file, format code;

F7 - run vertical terminal;

F8 - run below horizontal terminal;

F9 - files bar to work with (nerd tree);

F10 - exit vim;

F4 - hot key for emmet autocompletion (line 98 in .vimrc file): F4 + Comma gives html code autocompletion.

Sometimes clangd autocompletion does not work correctly for some reason. If this happens one should:

  1. ./install.py --clang-completer;
  2. comment lines 109-112 in .vimrc file (as unneeded).