
Dockerfile for a Seafile 3 image

Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC

Seafile 4 for Docker

Seafile is a "next-generation open source cloud storage with advanced features on file syncing, privacy protection and teamwork".

This Dockerfile install an environment to run seafile. Seafile will be autoconfigurated with the default parameters and running at the container startup

Setup Db

You can use a mysql/mariadb container or any other database you already have installed.

Run it

docker run -d --name="mariadb" sudokeys/mariadb

Get mariadb root password

docker logs mariadb 

Setup Seafile

The image install seafile and configure it according to the default environment variables in the Dockerfile and the variables you give it at runtime.

Seafile can create his own databases or it can be installed with existing (empty) ones.

In any case you need to provide at least the IP adress of the interface to listen on and some user/password info

If you don't choose a password it will be randomly generated if possible and written to "docker logs"

###Auto create databases with seafile If you want seafile to automatically create databases for you, you need to provide him the root user and password.

You might also want to provide a seahub admin email if you don't want the default one

example :

docker run -d --name "myseafile" \
  -p 10001:10001 -p 12001:12001 -p 8000:8000 -p 8082:8082 \
  --link mariadb:mysql-container \
  -e "CCNET_IP=" -e "MYSQL_ROOT_USER=dataadmin" \ 
  -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpass" -e "SEAHUB_ADMIN_EMAIL=seafileadmin@yourdomain.com" \

###Existing databases (no root password needed) If you want to use existing databases you need to provide the mysql user and password for those databases and their names (or the script will look for the default ones).

⚠️ Databases must be empty at seafile installation or it will crash!

For example, you could use

docker run -d --name "myseafile" \
  -p 10001:10001 -p 12001:12001 -p 8000:8000 -p 8082:8082 \
  --link mariadb:mysql-container \
  -e "CCNET_IP=" -e "EXISTING_DB=true" -e "SEAHUB_ADMIN_EMAIL=seafileadmin@yourdomain.com" \
  -e "MYSQL_USER=myseafileuser" -e "MYSQL_PASSWORD=myseafilepass" \

##Auto-configure Nginx Run nginx first with a volume where you want to store static files

docker run -d --name nginx -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /opt/seafile/nginx sudokeys/nginx

then run seafile with --volumes-from to allow it to create the configuration file, ssl certificates and copy his static files

For SEAFILE_IP you can use the static ip of the container (not very flexible), the host ip if you expose ports, or some dns discovery like skydock/skydns (used in this example)

 docker run -d --name "myseafile"  -e fcgi=true -e autonginx=true -e "CCNET_IP=myfiles.mydomain.com" \
 -e "MYSQL_ROOT_USER=root" -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpass" \
 -e "SEAHUB_ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@yourdomain.com" -e "SEAFILE_IP=myseafile.seafile.dev.docker" \
 -e "MYSQL_HOST=mydatabase.mariadb.dev.docker" --volumes-from nginx seafile

just restart nginx after each new seafile container launch to make it reload his configuration

docker restart nginx

You can specify a SSL key and certificate for nginx. If not specified an autosigned key wille be generated. If you want to use you own key you have to attach a host volume containing your SSL key and cert, and pass the path to those in env variables NGINX_SSL_KEY and NGINX_SSL_CERT I use sudokeys/nginx container which export /etc/nginx volume by default. Then I use below command:

 docker run -d --name "myseafile"  -e fcgi=true -e autonginx=true -e "CCNET_IP=myfiles.mydomain.com" \
 -e "MYSQL_ROOT_USER=root" -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpass" \
 -e "SEAHUB_ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@yourdomain.com" -e "SEAFILE_IP=myseafile.seafile.dev.docker" \
 -e "MYSQL_HOST=mydatabase.mariadb.dev.docker" \
 -e "NGINX_SSL_KEY=/etc/nginx/certs/myseafile.key" -e "NGINX_SSL_CERT=/etc/nginx/certs/myseafile.cert" \
 --volumes-from nginx seafile

##All configuration options

All the environment variables and their default values

AUTO_START :            If seafile daemons start automatically. Defaults to true
DOMAIN :                This is the IP or domain asked by Seafile during installation. Mandatory. No defaults
SEAHUB_ADMIN_EMAIL :    Seafile container admin email. Defaults to seaadmin@sea.com
SEAFILE_IP :            You can use the IP of the container (not very flexible), the docker host IP if you expose ports or some DNS discovery like skydock/skydns. Mandatory for nginx conf. No defaults
CCNET_NAME :  		    This is the server name asked by Seafile during installation. Defaults to my-seafile
CCNET_PORT :            CCNET daemon port. Defaults to 10001
SEAFILE_PORT : 			Seafile server port. Defaults to 12001
FILESERVER_PORT : 		Fileserver port. Defaults to 8082
SEAHUB_PORT 			Seahub port. Defaults to 8000
AUTO_CONF_DB :          Create automatically DB. Need to set DB_ROOT_* variables. Defaults to true
SEAHUB_DB_NAME :		SEAHUB database name. Defaults to seahub-db
CCNET_DB_NAME :	    	CCNET database name. Defaults to ccnet-db
SEAFILE_DB_NAME :		SEAFILE databse name. Defaults to seafile-db
MYSQL_HOST :	    	IP or DNS name of mariadb/mysql host. Defaults to mysql-container
MYSQL_PORT :            Mariadb/mysql pourt. Defaults to 3306
MYSQL_ROOT_USER :       Mariadb/mysql root user. Defaults to root
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD :   Mariadb/mysql root password. Defaults to root
MYSQL_USER :            Mariadb/mysql seafile container user. Defaults to seafileuser
MYSQL_PASSWORD :        Mariadb/mysql seafile container user password. Defaults is randomly generated
SEAHUB_ADMIN_PASSWORD : Seafile container admin email. Defaults is randomly generated
AUTO_CONF_NGINX :       Create automatically nginx vhost. Defaults set to false
FCGI :                  Configure seahub to run as fastcgi. Need to have reverse proxy configured. Defaults to false
STATIC_FILES_DIR :      Where static files are stored. Defaults to /opt/seafile/nginx/
NGINX_SSL_KEY :         Path to Key file for SSL config. Defaults to false
NGINX_SSL_CERT :        Path to Cert file for SSL config. Defaults to false
NGINX_URLS :            URLs that wille be added in vhost. Format URL1:URL2:...URLX. Defaults to False
SSL_BASE_DIR :          Path in NGINX container where certificats are stored. Defaults to /etc/nginx/certs

You can also configure seahub settings. Please refer to seafile doc for more details. http://manual.seafile.com/config/seahub_settings_py.html

SHS_EMAIL_USE_TLS :         Defaults to False
SHS_EMAIL_HOST :            Defaults to
SHS_EMAIL_HOST_USER :       Defaults to False
SHS_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD :   Defaults to False
SHS_EMAIL_PORT :            Defaults to 25
SHS_SERVER_EMAIL :          Defaults to $EMAIL_HOST_USER


SHS_CLOUD_MODE :                    Default to False
SHS_ENABLE_SIGNUP :                 Default to False

SHS_TIME_ZONE :                     Defaults to UTC. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_zones_by_name
SHS_SITE_BASE :                     Defaults to https://$NAME.$DOMAIN/'
SHS_SITE_NAME :                     Defaults to $NAME
SHS_SITE_TITLE :                    Defaults to 'Seafile $NAME'
SHS_SITE_ROOT :                     Defaults to /
SHS_USE_PDFJS :                     Defaults to True
SHS_FILE_PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE :                 Defaults to 30M
SHS_SESSION_COOKIE_AGE :                    Defaults to 1209600 (2 weeks)
SHS_SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST :            Defaults to False
SHS_ENABLE_MAKE_GROUP_PUBLIC :              Defaults to  False
SHS_ENABLE_THUMBNAIL :                      Defaults to True
SHS_THUMBNAIL_ROOT :                        Defaults to /haiwen/seahub-data/thumbnail/thumb/
SHS_THUMBNAIL_EXTENSION :                   Defaults to png
SHS_THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_SIZE :                Defaults to 24
SHS_PREVIEW_DEFAULT_SIZE :                  Defaults to 100

Updates and Maintenance

The Seafile directory is stored in the permanent volume /opt/seafile. To update the base system or the seafile running options, just stop the container, update the image using docker pull sudokeys/seafile and run another container with autoconf disabled and the --volumes-from option

example :

docker run -d --name "myseafile2" \
 -p 10001:10001 -p 12001:12001 -p 8000:8000 -p 8082:8082 \
 --link mariadb:mysql-container \ 
 -e "autoconf=false" \
 --volumes-from myseafile \

To update Seafile, you should start another container with the same volume mounted but also AUTO_START disabled and then follow the normal upgrade process described in the Seafile upgrade manual.

example :

docker run -d --name "seafileUpdater" \
 -p 10001:10001 -p 12001:12001 -p 8000:8000 -p 8082:8082 \
 --link mariadb:mysql-container \ 
 -e "autoconf=false" \
 -e "AUTO_START=false" \
 --volumes-from myseafile \