
Arduino controller for the Reglo-CPF digital pump.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Arduino controller for the Reglo-CPF digital pump.


Download the library by using the Download Zip button to the right and decompress the zip. Rename the decompressed folder to reglocpf and copy it into your Arduino/libraries folder.


To use the controller, create an instance of the RegloCPF class using a Stream-like object as the first parameter (typically Serial) and the address of the pump as the second parameter (typically 1):

#include <RegloCPF.h>

// Create a RegloCPF controller using the default address.
RegloCPF pump(&Serial, 1);

Note that the library does not initialise the serial port for you, you must do this as part of your setup routine. The Reglo-CPF uses the same default settings as the Arduino (9600-baud, 8-bit, 1 stop bit, no parity).

Now, you can use the methods of the pump object to control the Reglo-CPF digital pump. For example, to start and then stop the pump:

// Attempt to start the pump, if an error occurs display the light.
if (pump.start() != REGLO_OK) {
    digitalWrite(PIN_LED, HIGH);
} else {

    // Wait for a second.
    // Attempt to stop the pump, again displying the light if an error
    // occurs.
    if (pump.stop() != REGLO_OK) {
        digitalWrite(PIN_LED, HIGH);


All control methods return a value indicating whether the command was successful, and if not, where possible why not. Documentation for these return values can be found in RegloCPF.h.

Further examples are included with the library.


The functionality in the library is fairly minimal, and the priority is to implement features that we need for an experiment first. After this, I'll work through and test the remainder of the protocol from the Reglo-CPF manual.