Create reproducible installations for a virtual environment from a lock file
- agoose772i2c
- alysivjiJasper Health
- astrogewgawNational Centre for Radio Astrophysics
- astrojuanlu@kedro-org
- ax3lLBNL, previously HZDR
- BethanyGSF Bay Area
- bskinnRadial R&D
- cetylerDynamic Manufacturing
- cjolowicz@cloudflare
- cosmicexplorer@LLNL
- FFY00Quansight Labs
- gforcadader Freitag
- gwdekker
- jcmkk3Seattle, WA
- jcmuddleSt Albans
- JeanChristopheMorinPersoAnaconda
- jecolvin@brooklyn-data
- jhermann@mam-dev
- juandisay
- JulianNew York, NY
- matthewfeickertUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- maxrake@phylum-dev
- mm-git01
- MrMinoNokia
- nikitavoloboevSantander
- pombredanne@aboutcode-org and @nexB
- pvergainTerre
- RJ722@airbase
- saforem2@argonne-lcf
- SamEdwardes@RStudio
- sco1Starfleet Command
- sthagenSwitzerland
- thebigmunchUnited States
- tonybaloneyMicrosoft
- webknjaz@Ansible Core Engineering Team @ @RedHatOfficial
- zachlewisMethod Studios