- AWS account
- GitHub account
- SaasGlue account - click here to create an account
- Installed software components (on your dev machine)
- node version 10
- npm current version
- typescript
- Docker for Desktop
- git command line tools
- Copy the spa-build-pipeline repo to your GitHub account
- Clone the spa-build-pipeline repo to your local machine
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/saascipes/spa-build-pipeline.git
- Change directories into the spa-build-pipeline folder
$ cd spa-build-pipeline
- Push the repo to your GitHub account
$ git push --mirror https://[your github username]:[your password or access key]@github.com/[your github username]/spa-build-pipeline.git
- Clone the spa-build-pipeline repo to your local machine
- AWS setup
- Create AWS account if you don't already have one (console.aws.amazon.com -> Sign Up)
- Create an IAM policy named "ec2-admin-passrole" (see end for json to use to create this policy) - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/tutorial_managed-policies.html#step1-create-policy
- Create an IAM policy named "eks-admin" (see end for json to use to create the policy) - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/tutorial_managed-policies.html#step1-create-policy
- Create an IAM user (pick whatever name you want) - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/dg/setting-up.html
- Assign permissions to the user
- Attach the ec2-admin policy you created previously
- Attach "AmazonEC2FullAccess" AWS managed policy
- Attach "AmazonS3FullAccess" AWS managed policy
- Create an access key
- Click the user name from the IAM -> Users screen
- Click the "Security credentials" tab
- Click "Create access key" (if you already have the max allowed access keys for your account it will be disabled - you can use an existing one of delete one and create a new one)
- Record the access key id and secret - you'll need it later on
- Assign permissions to the user
- Create an IAM role named "eks-admin" and attach the eks-admin policy you created previously
- Open https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/ in your browser
- Select "Roles" from the left side menu
- Click "Create role"
- Click any of the common use cases, e.g. "EC2" and then click "Next: Permissions"
- In the search box next to "Filter policies" type "eks-admin" and click the check box next to "eks-admin" in the list
- Click "Next: Tags"
- Click "Next: Review"
- Click "Create role"
- Create an ec2 access key pair https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-key-pairs.html - follow instructions under "Option 1" - you'll need the name of this key pair later on
- SaasGlue setup
- Create SaasGlue account
- Click here to create an account
- Configure Team Vars
- Click "Vars" in the menu bar
- Enter the following team variable key/value pairs - enter the key in the left box labeled "key" and the value in the right box labeled "value" and then click the "Add Runtime Variable" button
- AWS_REGION = us-east-2
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = [the access key id you created in step 2]
- AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = [the associated secret access key you created in step 2]
- Find your team id
- Click your login name in the upper right hand corner and click "Settings"
- Copy your team id - you'll need it later on
- Create SaasGlue access keys
- Create agent download access key
- Log in to the SaasGlue web console
- Click your login name in the upper right hand corner and click "Access Keys"
- Click the "User Access Keys" tab
- Click "Create User Access Key"
- Enter a description, e.g. "Agent download"
- Click "Select None"
- Click the checkbox next to "AGENT_STUB_DOWNLOAD"
- Click "Create Access Key"
- Copy the access key secret
- Click the "I have copied the secret" button
- Copy the access key id from the grid
- You'll need the key id/secret further on in the process
- Create agent access key
- Log in to the SaasGlue web console
- Click your login name in the upper right hand corner and click "Access Keys"
- Click the "Agent Access Keys" tab
- Click "Create Agent Access Key"
- Enter a description, e.g. "default"
- Click "Create Access Key"
- Copy the access key secret
- Click the "I have copied the secret" button
- Copy the access key id from the grid
- You'll need the key id/secret further on in the process
- Create agent download access key
- Import the SaasGlue Jobs
- Log in to the SaasGlue web console
- Click "Designer" in the menu bar
- Click "Import Jobs"
- Click "Choose File"
- Select the "sg_jobs.sgj" file in the spa-build-pipeline root folder and click "Open"
- Configure "SPA Build Pipeline Init AWS" SaasGlue job
- Log in to the SaasGlue web console
- Click "Designer" in the menu bar
- Click the name "SPA Build Pipeline Init AWS"
- Set up runtime variables - these are key value pairs associated with the job
Click the "Runtime Variables" tab
Enter the following key/value pairs - if there is an existing runtime variable with the given key, click "unmask" and enter the new value in the input box and hit "enter" - otherwise enter the key/value pair in the input boxes at the bottom of the grid and then click "Add Runtime Variable"
workingdir = /home/ec2-user tags = {"terraform":"true"} sgTeamId = [your team id - from previous step] sgLoginUrl = https://console.saasglue.com/login/apiLogin sgApiUrl = https://console.saasglue.com agentDownloadAccessKeySecret = [your agent download access key secret] agentDownloadAccessKeyId = [your agent download access key id] agentAccessKeySecret = [your agent access key secret] agentAccessKeyId = [your agent access key id] VpcId = [your aws default vpc id] SubnetId = [your aws subnet in the default vpc corresponding to us-east-2] SecurityGroupIds = [[your aws default security group id]], e.g. ['sg-0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] NumInstances = 1 KeyName = [aws ec2 key pair] InstanceType = t3.small IAMRole = [the name of the iam user you created in step 2] ImageId = ami-0b59bfac6be064b78
- Create SaasGlue account
- Run the "SPA Build Pipeline Init AWS" SaasGlue job - this job will create an ec2 instance to run the SaasGlue agent and create the ECR repositories for the application Docker images
- Log in to the SaasGlue web console
- Click "Designer" in the menu bar
- Click the name "SPA Build Pipeline Init AWS"
- Click the "Run" tab
- Click the "Run Job" button
- Click the "running job" link
- Verify the job completes successfully - if any task in the job fails, click on the task name and then the stdout/stderr links to see what error(s) occurred - Note: the "Configure EC2 Instance" task will have status "Published" and then "WaitingForAgent" with Failure = "NoAgentAvailable" until the ec2 inistance created by the prior task is up and running - generally about 1 minute but it could take longer depending on AWS - if the task doesn't start after the EC2 instance is initialized, click "Interrupt" and then "Restart" on the monitor page for the running job
- Click the link under "Runtime Vars" for the "Create EC2 Instance" task - scroll to the "ec2_instance_id" - this is the instance id of the newly created ec2 instance - record it for later on - you can stop this ec2 instance through the AWS console - it will be started automatically when you run the SaasGlue job ("Init Build Pipeline Demo job") to deploy the application
- Click the link under "Runtime Vars" for the "Create ECR Repositories" task - scroll to the "repo_uri" - this is the ECR repo uri - copy this for use later on
- Click "Agents" in the menu bar
- Verify the Agent on the new ec2 instance is connected and sending a heartbeat - you can match the Agent to the ec2 instance in AWS with the displayed ip address
- Make configuration changes to spa-build-pipeline code
- Modify "config/production.json"
- Set the "rmqBrowserPushRoute" value to something unique, e.g. "sbp-bp-[your name]-[your birth year]-[your birth day]"
- Set the "rmqStockQuotePublisherQueue" value to something unique, e.g. "stock-quote-publisher-[your name]-[your birth year]-[your birth day]"
- Set the same values in "config/default.json" and "config/test.json"
- Modify "clientv1/.env.production"
- Set the "VUE_APP_RABBITMQ_QUEUE" value to the same value you used for "rmqBrowserPushRoute" in the prior step
- Set the same value in "clientv1/.env.development"
- Modify "clientv1/src/utils/StompHandler.ts"
- Add the value you entered for "rmqBrowserPushRoute" to this line after "${this.exchangeName}/"
this.client.subscribe(`/exchange/${this.exchangeName}/bp`, this.onMessage.bind(this), subscribeHeaders);
this.client.subscribe(`/exchange/${this.exchangeName}/sbp-bp-[your name]-[your birth year]-[your birth day]`, this.onMessage.bind(this), subscribeHeaders);
- Add the value you entered for "rmqBrowserPushRoute" to this line after "${this.exchangeName}/"
- Commit your changes and push to git
$ git commit -m "update config" $ git push
- Modify "config/production.json"
- Create and install SaasGlue API access credentials in GitHub
- Log in to the SaasGlue web console
- Click your login name in the upper right hand corner and click "Access Keys"
- Click the "User Access Keys" tab
- Click "Create User Access Key"
- Enter a description, e.g. "GitHub access"
- Click "Select None"
- Click the checkbox next to "JOB_CREATE"
- Click "Create Access Key"
- Copy the access key secret
- Click the "I have copied the secret" button
- Copy the access key id
- Create a GitHub secret named "SG_ACCESS_KEY_ID" in your spa-build-pipeline repo with the SaasGlue access key id
- Create a GitHub secret named "SG_ACCESS_SECRET" in your spa-build-pipeline repo with the SaasGlue access key secret
- Build the application
- From the project root folder run
$ npm i
- From the clientv1 folder run
$ npm run build
- Authenticate your local Docker client to your ECR registry
- Log in to the AWS console
- Enter "ECR" in the "Search for services..." search box at the top of the console and select "Elastic Container Registry"
- Select any one of the repositories (there should be 4) by clicking the radio button next to the repository name
- Click the "View push commands" button
- Follow the instructions in step 1, "Retrieve an authentication token..." - run the command from a terminal window
- Build and deploy docker images (replace [aws ecr repo uri] with your ecr uri)
$ ./build_agent_docker_image_aws.sh v0.1 [aws ecr repo uri] $ ./build_api_docker_image_aws.sh v0.1 [aws ecr repo uri] $ ./build_stock_quote_publisher_image_aws.sh v0.1 [aws ecr repo uri]
- Set SaasGlue jobs Runtime Variables
- These are key value pairs associated with each job
- To enter runtime variables for a job, click the job name in the "Designer" view and then click the "Runtime Variables" tab - if there is an existing runtime variable with the given key, click "unmask" and enter the new value in the edit box and hit "enter" - otherwise enter the key/value pair in the edit boxes at the bottom of the grid and then click "Add Runtime Variable"
- Init Build Pipeline Demo job GIT_URL = [the url of your github repo containing the spa_build_pipeline code - e.g. "github.com/my-repo-name"] GIT_USERNAME = [your github username] GIT_PASSWORD = [the password to your github repo - this could be a personal access token] GIT_REPO_NAME = spa_build_pipeline instances = [the id of the ec2 instance you set up previously to run the SaasGlue Agent which will create the production/build environments, e.g. i-035d9ea161fab5073]
- Build Stock Quotes Publisher job GIT_REPO_NAME = spa_build_pipeline ECR_REPO_URI = [aws ecr repo uri] docker_tag = v0.2
- Remove Build Pipeline Demo job GIT_URL = [the url of your github repo containing the spa_build_pipeline code - e.g. "github.com/my-repo-name"] GIT_USERNAME = [your github username] GIT_PASSWORD = [the password to your github repo - this could be a personal access token] GIT_REPO_NAME = spa_build_pipeline instances = [the id of the ec2 instance you set up previously to run the SaasGlue Agent which will create the production/build environments, e.g. i-035d9ea161fab5073] docker_tag = v0.2
- Run the SaasGlue job to deploy the production application
- Log in to the SaasGlue web console
- Click "Designer" in the menu bar
- Select "Init Build Pipeline Demo"
- Click the "Run" tab
- Click "Run Job"
- When the job completes, open the stock quote publisher web application you just deployed
- Open the AWS console in a browser and login
- Click the "Services" drop down and enter "EC2" in the search edit box - then click "EC2"
- Click on "Load Balancers" in the menu on the left side
- Copy the load balancer DNS name corresponding to the stock quote publisher web application
- Paste the URL into a new browser window
- When the page loads, enter a ticker, e.g. "IBM" in the ticker input box and then click the "Subscribe" button - you should see regular quote updates in the browser
- Test the build/deploy process
- Modify the "server/src/workers/StockQuotePublisher.py" code on your local machine
- Comment line 258
- Uncomment lines 260 to 262
- Open a terminal window and change directories to the root folder of your local spa-build-pipeline code
- Enter 'git commit -a -m "added wpx"' (without the single quotes)
- Enter 'git push' (again, no single quotes)
- Open the SaasGlue web console
- Click on "Monitor" from the menu bar
- You should see a new instance of the "Build Stock Quotes Publisher" job within 5 or 10 seconds after "git push" finishes successfully
- Click on the "Monitor" link to the left of the "Build Stock Quotes Publisher" job with status "Running"
- You should see 3 tasks - you can click on the task name to see details related to the running task
- When all 3 tasks have completed, go back to your stock quote publisher web application and you should see the new weighted price (wpx) field delivered with new quotes
- Modify the "server/src/workers/StockQuotePublisher.py" code on your local machine
- Tear down the stock quote publisher application environment
- Open the SaasGlue web console
- Click "Monitor" in the menu bar
- Click on the "Monitor" link to the left of the most recent "Build Stock Quotes Publisher" job with status "Completed"
- Click on the "Run build" link
- Click the "demo_id" link under "Runtime Vars" and copy the value
- Click "Designer" in the menu bar
- Select "Remove Build Pipeline Demo"
- Click the "Run" tab
- Click "Add Script Vars (@sgg)"
- Click the "demo_id" link
- Paste the value you previously copied from the "Run Build" runtime vars task
- Click "Add Runtime Variable"
- Click "Run Job"
- Click the link to the running job
- Verify that all job tasks complete successfully
- Check your AWS account to make sure all resources have been cleaned up
- How to run the application locally
- ec2-admin-passrole
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iam:PassRole",
"Resource": "arn:aws:iam::948032566234:role/ec2-admin"
- eks-admin
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"