Title: "Node.js and Build Tools Installation Guide with Optional OS Upgrades"

1. Get Debian/Ubuntu:
  1. Install WSL Debian on Windows

  2. Install WSL Ubuntu on Windows

  3. Install VSCode with Remote Pack on Windows

2. Optional OS upgrades:
  1. Upgrade Debian Bullseye to Buster

  2. Upgrade Ubuntu Focal to Jammy

3. Node.js tools: 1. [Install NVM](https://github.com/brettjrea/Debian_Install_NVM) - Node Version Manager
  1. Install NVS - Node Version Switcher (added 02/23 it is a cross-platform node based successor/replacement for NVM)
4. Build tools:
  1. Install common build tools.
5. Add a Backend:
  1. Install Strapi.io backend
6. Add a Frontend:
  1. Install Gatsby frontend
7. Configure Process Manager:
  1. Configure PM2 Process Manager
8. Add GitHub CLI:
  1. Install GitHub CLI

Common Build Tools

This is a script to install common build tools on Debian-based systems using the install-tools.sh script. To use the script, copy and paste the following commands into your terminal:

sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt update -y && sudo apt autoremove -y &&
sudo apt install wget -y &&
sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates -y &&
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brettjrea/Debian_Install_Common_Build_Tools/main/install-tools.sh &&
chmod +x install-tools.sh &&
./install-tools.sh &&
sudo apt autoremove -y &&
sudo apt clean -y