
Multiple Choice project

Primary LanguageCSS

Unnamed Kit

WTF is this?

Pretty much two things:

  1. A boilerplate, starter kit, template, framework, or whatever else you want to call it.

  2. A workflow to automate the process of building fast, responsible responsive websites

WTF is in it?

A few things:

  1. Build Script

    A grunt build script that compiles Sass, optimizes images, and concatenates and minifies files. Uses BrowserSync for keeping multiple devices synchronized while testing, along with injecting updated CSS and JS into your browser while you're developing (really cool shit). Also creates a PHP server so we can create PHP includes and process forms and stuff locally.

  2. Responsive Templates

    Coming soon....

As well as:

  • The latest Modernizr build for feature detection
  • The latest Picturefill build for handling responsive images
  • SASS generated IE8 stylesheet
  • An optimized Typekit Snippet to use Ryan's favorite webfonts
  • HTML5 Boilerplate: An optimized Google Analytics Snippet
  • HTML5 Boilerplate: jQuery via Google CDN, with a local fallback