
Build a FreeBSD VM for Vagrant using packer (Qemu/KVM version)

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FORKED for Libvirt/KVM/Qemu

This repository contains the necessary tools to build a Vagrant-ready FreeBSD virtual machine using Packer.

The default pkg source is 'quarterly'.

Important: The default disk setup has prioritized for KVM, with format 32G, however if using for virtualbox, change to size 10240 without units..

32G seems to be the minimum for KVM machines, errors if set lower, won't boot. This is because qemu-img resize wipes the partition table. Don't worry, the exported images will be sparse and small now.

10240 (same as 10GB) is fine with Virtualbox.

There are official FreeBSD VMs available from the Vagrant Cloud too.



To create a box:

  1. Clone this repository:

    $ git clone https://github.com/bretton/packer-FreeBSD.git
    $ cd packer-FreeBSD
  2. Configure your own variables.json from variables.json.sample

    $ cp variables.json.sample variables.json
    $ vi variables.json

    If building for KVM, configure "disk_size" to 32G or higher. 40GB is default if unset.

    "disk_size": "32G",

    If building for Virtualbox, you will get an error with 32GB and need to replace with

    "disk_size": "10240",

    You can also do this as part of a script, such as:

    <variables.json.sample sed -e "s|32G|10240|g" >variables.json

    Or to set a custom download URL which matches the FreeBSD directory tree

    <variables.json.sample sed -e "s|download.freebsd.org|my.custom.dl.site|g" >variables.json
  3. Build the box:

    $ packer build -only=qemu -var 'accelerator=kvm' -var-file=variables.json template.json
  4. Add it to the list of Vagrant boxes. See Handling .iso and .box files for more information.

    $ vagrant box add builds/FreeBSD-13.0-RELEASE-amd64.box --name FreeBSD-13.0-RELEASE-amd64

Sample Vagrantbox file

The following brings up 3 servers:

  • www
  • db
  • ansiblevm (use this for clean dev environment to run additional provisioning scripts)

The following Vagrantfile is customised for Qemu/Libvirt so use of virtio-scsi for disk and virtio-net for network are necessary.

This might not work on Redhat-based systems.

script = <<-SCRIPT
  sed -i '' "s/Vagrant/$(hostname -s)/g" /usr/local/etc/mDNSResponderServices.conf
  service mdnsresponderposix restart

ansible_raw_arguments = []

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.define "www.local", primary: true do |node|
    node.vm.hostname = 'www.local'
    node.vm.box = "FreeBSD-${FREEBSD_VERSION}-RELEASE-amd64"
    node.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
    node.vm.boot_timeout = 600
    node.vm.provider "libvirt" do |libvirt|
      libvirt.disk_driver :bus => 'virtio-scsi', :cache => 'none'
      libvirt.driver = "kvm"
      libvirt.description = "www server"
      libvirt.memory = "2048"
      libvirt.cpus = "1"
      libvirt.nic_model_type = 'virtio-net'
      libvirt.management_network_mode = 'nat'
      libvirt.graphics_port = 5901
      libvirt.graphics_ip = ''
      libvirt.video_type = 'qxl'
  config.vm.define "db.local", primary: false do |node|
    node.vm.hostname = 'db.local'
    node.vm.box = "FreeBSD-${FREEBSD_VERSION}-RELEASE-amd64"
    node.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
    node.vm.boot_timeout = 600
    node.vm.provider "libvirt" do |libvirt|
      libvirt.disk_driver :bus => 'virtio-scsi', :cache => 'none'
      libvirt.driver = "kvm"
      libvirt.description = "db server"
      libvirt.memory = "4096"
      libvirt.cpus = "2"
      libvirt.management_network_mode = 'nat'
      libvirt.nic_model_type = 'virtio-net'
      libvirt.graphics_port = 5902
      libvirt.graphics_ip = ''
      libvirt.video_type = 'qxl'
  config.vm.define "ansible.local", primary: false do |node|
    node.vm.hostname = 'ansible.local'
    node.vm.box = "FreeBSD-${FREEBSD_VERSION}-RELEASE-amd64"
    node.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
    node.vm.boot_timeout = 600
    node.vm.provider "libvirt" do |libvirt|
      libvirt.disk_driver :bus => 'virtio-scsi', :cache => 'none'
      libvirt.driver = "kvm"
      libvirt.description = "VM to run Ansible orchestration scripts against www and db"
      libvirt.memory = "2048"
      libvirt.cpus = "1"
      libvirt.management_network_mode = 'nat'
      libvirt.nic_model_type = 'virtio-net'
      libvirt.graphics_port = 5900
      libvirt.graphics_ip = ''
      libvirt.video_type = 'qxl'
    node.vm.provision 'ansible' do |ansible|
      ansible.compatibility_mode = '2.0'
      ansible.limit = 'all'
      ansible.playbook = 'site.yml'
      ansible.become = true
      ansible.verbose = '-vvv'
      ansible.raw_ssh_args = "-o ControlMaster=no -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ConnectionAttempts=10 -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o ServerAliveInterval=5"
      ansible.groups = {
        "all" => ["www.local", "db.local", "ansible.local"],
        "all:vars" => {
          "ansible_python_interpreter" => "/usr/local/bin/python"

def private_key_path(server_name)
  provider = ENV['VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER'] || 'libvirt'
  vagrant_dotfile_path = ENV['VAGRANT_DOTFILE_PATH'] || '.vagrant'

  "--private-key=#{vagrant_dotfile_path}/machines/#{server_name}/" \

Build Options

Below is a sample variables.json.sample file for KVM:

  "cpus": "1",
  "disk_size": "32G",
  "memory": "1024",
  "revision": "13.0",
  "branch": "-RELEASE",
  "build_date": "",
  "git_commit": "",
  "directory": "releases",
  "arch": "amd64",
  "guest_os_type": "FreeBSD_64",
  "filesystem": "zfs",
  "mirror": "https://download.freebsd.org/ftp",
  "rc_conf_file": ""

The following variables can be set:

  • cpus is the number of CPUs assigned. Default: 1

  • disk_size is the HDD size in megabytes. Default: 32G or use 10240 for Virtualbox (number format matters, no G, number can be higher)

  • memory is the amount of RAM in megabytes assigned. Default: 1024

  • revision is the FreeBSD revision number. Default: 13.0

  • branch used in conjunction with build_date, git_commit and directory. Default: -RELEASE

    See FreeBSD's Release Branches for more information. Possible values are:

    Branch Directory
    -CURRENT snapshots
    -STABLE snapshots
    -ALPHA1, -ALPHA2, … snapshots
    -PRERELEASE snapshots
    -BETA1, -BETA2, … releases
    -RC1, -RC2, … releases
    -RELEASE releases
  • arch is the target architecture (i386 or amd64). Default: amd64

  • guest_os_type (VirtualBox) used in conjunction with arch (FreeBSD or FreeBSD_64). See packer's documentation. Default: FreeBSD_64

  • filesystem is the file system type (ufs or zfs). Default: zfs

  • mirror is the preferred FreeBSD mirror. Default: https://download.freebsd.org/ftp

  • rc_conf_file is the file where rc.conf parameters are stored. Default: empty . Possible values are:

    Value File
    local /etc/rc.conf.local (Its use is discouraged)
    vendor /etc/defaults/vendor.conf
    name (/usr/local)/etc/rc.conf.d/<name>

Create a variables.json file overriding the default values, and invoke:

$ packer build -var-file="variables.json" template.json

or for Qemu/KVM specifically

$ PACKER_BUILDER_TYPE="qemu" packer build -only=qemu -var 'accelerator=kvm' -var-file="variables.json" template.json

You can also select which components you wish to install. By default, it runs the following provisioning scripts:

Name Description
update Updates to the latest patch level (if applicable) and the latest packages
vagrant Vagrant-related configuration
zeroconf Enables zero-configuration networking
ansible Installs python and CA Root certificates
vmtools Virtual Machine-specific utilities
cleanup Cleanup script (must be called last)

The following scripts are also available:

Name Description
hardening Provides basic hardening options
simplehardening Provides subset hardening options
ports Installs the FreeBSD ports tree

Handling .iso and .box files

Packer will automatically download the .iso image if it does not find the right one under the iso directory. Optionally, you can download the .iso image and save it to the iso directory.

.box files will be created under the builds directory.