My arch/xmonad desktop environment configuration.
- install Arch Linux along with the 'base' and `base-devel' packages. There is a good [Beginner's Guide] arch_install_guide
- log in as root and install git, sudo, and zsh
pacman -S git sudo zsh
- create a dev user:
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/zsh dev
passwd dev newpassword
- edit /etc/sudoers and uncomment the line which allows wheel group to sudo
%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
- log out as root and log in as the new dev user
- put your ssh private key into ~/.ssh/
git clone
cd desktop; git submodule init; git submodule update
- run the installer
- on the first install aur will complain that gcc and gcc-multilib are in conflict.
For this first case edit
and change Aur's--noconfirm
and rerun./install