
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hot Blocks - A WordPress block scaffolding kit

A sane starter kit to get started building your own custom blocks.


  • Webpack config and commands
  • Hot reloading for easy development
  • Translation ready
  • Example block code


You'll need to use the command line to start making edits so these intructions assume some basic command line knowledge.

Setting up

  1. cd to your plugins directory in your WordPress install
  2. Run git clone https://github.com/brettsmason/hot-blocks.git plugin-name
  3. cd plugin-name
  4. npm install


There are 2 commands to get you started:

  1. npm run build - builds production ready files for your plugin.
  2. npm run dev - runs Webpack dev server and allows hot reloading of blocks. Used for development.

Block structure

Each block should be added in assets/src/blocks in its own folder. All blocks are autoloaded, so any new block added in assets/src/blocks will be included automatically.

Each block should have the following structure as a bare minimum:

  1. A name constant used to identify the block, eg export const name = 'plugin-textdomain/block-name';
  2. A settings constant. This contains all of the block functionality including the edit and save fields.