OSX setup


  1. Setup ~/src directory
    • mkdir -p ~/src; cd ~/src
  2. Create temporary .ssh keys and upload to bitbucket.
    • dotfiles will override these later.
    • ssh-keygen; cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | pbcopy
  3. Setup passwordless sudo
    • sudo visudo
    • Change this line FROM:
      • %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
    • TO:
      • %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  4. Install X-Code
    • then run: xcode-select --install and follow prompts.
  5. Clone this
    • git clone git@bitbucket.org:bswift/osx_setup_bs.git; cd osx_setup_bs
  6. run run.sh
    • immediately it will block, and wait for your password.. yet it won't prompt you. Hit "enter" and you will see the password prompt.