
Provides just enough configuration to join a Linux node to an Active Directory domain.

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with domain_join
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Creating a Least Privilege account


Provide the most minimal configuration required to allow a Linux node to join a Windows domain.

Module Description

This module is intended for the lazy Linux admin who wants their Linux nodes to join a Windows domain without needing to manage the components. Rather than managing SSSD, Samba, and Kerberos, just manage "the ability to join a domain"!

Unfortunately, if you want to manage those services separately, this module may not be perfect fit for you. You may skip the service and resolver configuration by setting one or both of manage_services and manage_resolver to false.


What domain_join affects

  • DNS resolution through /etc/resolv.conf unless manage_resolver is false.
  • SSSD, Samba, and Kerberos configs (/etc/sssd/sssd.conf, /etc/samba/smb.conf, /etc/krb5.conf) unless manage_services is false.
  • A domain join shell script at /usr/local/bin/domain_join, that includes credentials used to join the domain.

Beginning with domain_join

# Without hiera
class { 'domain_join':
  domain_fqdn               => 'example.com',
  domain_shortname          => 'example',
  ad_dns                    => ['', ''],
  register_account          => 'domainjoin',
  register_password         => 'Sup4rS3krEt',
  additional_search_domains => ['web.example.com', 'b2b.example.com'],

# With Hiera
# Manifest:
include domain_join

# Hiera yaml:
domain_join::domain_fqdn: example.com
domain_join::domain_shortname: example
domain_join::register_account: domainjoin
domain_join::register_password: 'Sup4rS3krEt'
  - web.example.com
  - b2b.example.com


Follow the above reference for simple domain joins. You can control the service and resolver configuration with two booleans: class { 'domain_join': ... # other options manage_services => false, manage_resolver => false, }

domain_join::manage_services: false
domain_join::manage_resolver: false

Additional configuration options include:

createcomputer: Name of the AD container to join the new node to, typically an OU or a built-in container object.


This module may cause duplicate resource errors if used in the same catalog as any module that directly manages sssd, samba, or kerberos packages or configs unless manage_services is false. See the compatibility tab or metadata.json for tested OS support.

Creating a Least Privilege account

It is highly recommended that the register_account be an account that has the ability to join computers to domains and nothing else. The following is an overly simplistic method to create such a user. This is suitable for a lab but may need further review for use in production. Use at your own risk.

  • Create an account, ex: domainjoin, in the appropriate hierarchy of your Active Directory. It is recommend that User cannot change password and Password never expires are selected.
  • Delegate the ability to manage computer objects to the user with the Active Directory Users and Computers snap in (from JSI Tip 8144 with tweaks).
  • Open the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in.
  • Right click the container under which you want the computers added (ex: Computers) and choose Delegate Control.
  • Click Next.
  • Click Add and supply your user account(s), e.g domainjoin. Click Next when complete.
  • Select Create custom task to delegate and click Next.
  • Select Only the following objects in the folder and then Computer objects. Click Next.
  • Under Permissions, check Create All Child Objects and Write All Properties. Click Next.
  • Click Finish

You may also need to run the following command to increase the Machine Account Quota to a very large number. This represents the number of machines a user can join to the domain and defaults to 10 for the domain. This can only be set at the domain level.

Set-ADDomain example.com -Replace @{"ms-ds-MachineAccountQuota"="10000"}