
This wraps around the docker image: `haugene/transmission-openvpn`, and will get you going fairly quickly.

Primary LanguageShell

Getting Started

This project will run a docker image that will log you into a VPN account and download torrents for you.

It contains:

  • config file
  • script to start a docker image
  • scripts to inspect the status of your torrents & debug.

Pre Requisites

Install docker

yes. do it.

Create a Config file

  1. Copy conf.ipvanish to conf.
  2. update the values in in the conf file according to your setup.

Other VPN's might require different configuration.

If you need to add new configurations, be sure the ./start_transmission_image.sh script uses the values in the docker run command.


Start the image


Drop files into the watch folder

By default it is "./transmission/watch, but the root folder transmission set by the TRANSMISSION_HOME=transmission config value in conf.

Monitor the torrents


Get your files out!

see transmission/transmission-home/completed for your completed torrents.

Known Issues

Transmission is supposed to watch the watch folder. I find that sometimes it doesn't pick up torrents very quickly.

If you want it to pick up a torrent right away, just kill the image and restart it.

This will help you:

docker kill `./get_container_id_of_transmission.sh`


See the .github folder in the repo. They contain templates you will see when you create a Pull Request or issue on github.