Low-overhead, non-blocking I/O, external Process implementation for Java
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- 1
Virtual threads?
#155 opened by yawaramin - 2
Executing a bat in Windows with spaces
#154 opened by j3rem1e - 2
NPE on process start on Linux
#145 opened by gagarski - 0
Readme synax error
#146 opened by alebastrov - 1
macOS: Should use pthread_fchdir to restore the current working directory not pthread_chdir
#144 opened by skissane - 1
- 2
Add Java 9/JPMS module support
#116 opened by thekalinga - 4
How to increase the buffer size of the builder
#140 opened by VEDANTDOKANIA - 1
How to use error streams in nuProcess builder?
#139 opened by VEDANTDOKANIA - 11
Release 2.0.2 is broken on Java 8
#128 opened by slandelle - 2
- 4
Pump on calling thread
#95 opened by bturner - 2
Process becomes "zombie" forever
#100 opened by zella - 9
Compatibility with JNA 5.2.0
#98 opened by anantharaman93 - 3
M1 ARM support for JVM
#129 opened by abuggin - 2
NoSuchMethodError on Java8 JVM
#132 opened by madsvonqualen - 0
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Signal handling for epoll_wait can leak processes
#124 opened by bturner - 1
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Undocumented exit code MAX_INT-1
#134 opened by almson - 2
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Destroy all child process
#78 opened by MasseGuillaume - 0
subprocess under the main process, is that possible?
#122 opened by ivanooi - 2
stdout/err buffer overflow behaviour
#77 opened by huntc - 1
`NuProcessBuilder` should have `getCwd`
#115 opened by thraidh - 2
wantWrite() race
#112 opened by bturner - 5
Question: Handlers, volatile and visibility
#106 opened by bturner - 0
- 1
builder.setCwd failes to start process
#110 opened by jpork - 2
Issues with FreeBSD 11.3 and OpenJDK (BitBucket)
#108 opened by jasonkafer - 8
jdk-10.0.1/lib/ undefined symbol: Java_java_lang_UNIXProcess_forkAndExec
#91 opened by fanf - 12
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Question: SolProcessFactory?
#102 opened by bturner - 2
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IO Network programming
#96 opened by devzonetrack - 5
Question: JNA vs JNR
#81 opened by bturner - 0
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Scala Implementation
#89 opened by KenSuenobu - 5
Upgrading to 1.2.x (from 1.1.3) causes NoClassDefFoundError in macOS (and Java 10)
#87 opened by robby-phd - 7
Crash on MacOS
#86 opened by slandelle - 14
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Non-deterministic deadlock
#85 opened by alexkamp - 2
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EpollEvent memory alignment is incorrect
#79 opened by bturner - 1
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Pipes leak on OSX
#75 opened by bertmaher