Code Louisville Fall 2017 Python/Django Cohort

For now the primary repo does not contain extra content as each week new content will be added to the repo as a release. At the end of the fall cohort the final project will be added to the master branch of the repo.

Getting Started

For the fall 2017 group we will be taking the Code Louisville May 2017 FEWD project and converting it to a Django Web App.

Know that please make sure to have the project downloaded for later use. It is available from the repo linked above, and has also been made available as part of this repository.

Along with this having Python 3 installed day one will make sure you are able to hit the group running. Treehouse has videos available here:



For linux developers you should be able to apt-get or yum Python 3.

For more information checkout or post in the Code Louisville Python slack channel for help.

Finally I would highly encourage all developers to make use of Python Virtual Environments. This will help you develop a new best practice, and keep your project pip installs seperated from your system Python packages if you are a Mac or Linux developer. For more information on this check out the treehouse videos above or post in the Code Louisville Python Slack channel.