

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Amazon Developer (Alexa) accounts

AWS accounts

  • Everyone has an IAM account that is your first name
  • Please login and change your password -> https://165284110550.signin.aws.amazon.com/console
  • Summary of groups, roles, and roles is below. If you feel that you need additional permissions or to another user with a specific set of permissions, please post it on slack
    • alexa (role) has RDSFullAccess, LambdaFullAccess, S3FullAccess
    • lambda (role) has RDSFullAccess
    • Developers (group) has RDSFullAccess, EC2FullAccess, LambdaFullAccess, S3FullAccess

Build Lambda NodeJS

  1. Create a zip archive containing *.js and the entire node_modules directory.
  2. Upload the zip archive to the Lambda dev console.
  3. Profit.

Geolocation Accounts

Python setup (v2.7)

$ pip install numpy
$ pip install quantities
$ pip install geopy
$ pip install Geocoder

$ python gtfs_realtime_client.py <POLL INTERVAL> <BUS NUMBER> <MAX BUSES>

Python setup (v3.*)

$ pip3 install pymsql
$ pip install requests

$ python3 louisvillekygov-to-awscivicdata.py

$ conda install virtualenv
$ virtualenv ./carnegie-ve
$ pip install carnegie-ve pymysql
$ cd carnegie-ve/lib/python3.6/site-packages
$ zip -r -X "carnegie-ve.zip" ./*

Scott's Journey (on a Mac, using homebrew)
$ brew install python3
$ brew link --overwrite python3  # run 'brew link python3' to see warnings
$ python3 -m venv ./carnegie-ve  # create new virtualenv (built-in to 3.6)
$ source carnegie-ve/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install pymysql
$ https://docs.python.org/3/installing/index.html

Upload the zip to AWS Lambda for testing

#Redis and EC2 ssh ec2-user@ec2-34-229-153-56.compute-1.amazonaws.com -i ssh-ec2-pair.pem cd redis-stable redis-stable]$ src/redis-cli -c -h incident-cache.aqsren.ng.0001.use1.cache.amazonaws.com -p 6379

Notes and Tools