
A novel way to program, geared towards exploration

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Note: This is super alpha. A lot of the features are implemented very inefficiently and the error reporting is not very good. That will be fixed in due time, and then this note will disappear into the mists of git history.

What is Ptera?

Ptera is a bit like a tracer, a bit like aspect-oriented programming, a bit like a new way to program. It chiefly aims to facilitate algorithm research, especially machine learning.


  • "Selfless objects" are objects that are defined as functions. The fields of these objects are simply the variables used in the function.
  • Execution trace queries lets you address any variable anywhere in functions decorated with @ptera, at arbitrary depths in the call tree, and either collect the values of these variables, or set these values.
  • Automatic CLI will create a command-line interface from any properly annotated variable anywhere in the code.

Although they can be used independently, selfless objects and trace queries interact together in Ptera in order to form a new programming paradigm.

  • Define parameterized functions with basically no boilerplate.
  • Interfere with carefully selected parts of your program to test edge cases or variants.
  • Plot the values of some variable deep in the execution of a program.

Ptera can also be combined with other libraries to make certain tasks very easy:

  • Using Ptera with PyTorch, it is easy to get the gradient of any quantity with respect to any other quantity. These quantities can be anywhere in the program! They don't need to be in the same scope!

Selfless objects

A selfless object is defined as a simple function. Any function can be a selfless object, but of particular interest are those that contain uninitialized variables. For example:

def bagel(x, y):
    z: int
    if debug:
        print(x, y, z)
    return x + y + z

Note that in this function, z is declared, but not initialized. We can instantiate a function with new:

bagel3 = bagel.new(z=3)
assert bagel3(1, 2) == 6

But this is not all we can do. We can also set the debug variable to True:

bagel3_debug = bagel.new(z=3, debug=True)
assert bagel3(1, 2) == 6   # This prints "1 2 3"

And that's not all! We can set any variable, if we so wish. We can set print:

bagel3_newprint = bagel.new(
    z=3, debug=True, print=lambda *args: print(sum(args))
assert bagel3(1, 2) == 6   # This prints "6"

We can set default arguments:

bagel3_defaults = bagel.new(z=3, y=2)
assert bagel3(1) == 6

We can force an argument to have a certain value:

bagel3_forcex = bagel.new(z=3, x=ptera.Override(5))
assert bagel3(1, 2) == 10

Trace queries

Trace queries provide the same power, but over a whole call tree. They also allow you to extract any variables you want.

Suppose you have this program:

def square(x):
    rval = x * x
    return rval

def sumsquares(x, y):
    xx = square(x)
    yy = square(y)
    rval = xx + yy
    return rval

What can you do?

Q: What values can x take?

A: The using method lets you extract these values. We give our query the name q in what follows so that we can access it, but you can give any name you want to the query:

results = sumsquares.using(q="x")(3, 4)
assert results.q.map("x") == [3, 4, 3]

Q: Hold on, why is 3 listed twice?

A: Because x == 3 in the call to sumsquares, and x == 3 in the first call to square. These are two distinct x.

Q: What if I just want the value of x in square?

A: The expression square > x represents the value of the variable x inside a call to square.

results = sumsquares.using(q="square > x")(3, 4)
assert results.q.map("x") == [3, 4]

Q: Can I also see the output of square?

A: Yes. Variables inside {} will also be captured.

results = sumsquares.using(q="square{rval} > x")(3, 4)
assert results.q.map("x", "rval") == [(3, 9), (4, 16)]

Q: Can I also see the inputs of sumsquare along with these?

A: Yes, but there is a name conflict, so you need to rename them, which you can do in the query, like this:

results = sumsquares.using(
    q="sumsquares{x as ssx, y as ssy} > square{rval} > x"
)(3, 4)
assert results.q.map("ssx", "ssy", "x", "rval") == [(3, 4, 3, 9), (3, 4, 4, 16)]

Q: I would like to have one entry for each call to sumsquares, not one entry for each call to square.

A: Each query has one variable which is the focus. There will be one result for each value the focus takes. You can set the focus with the ! operator. So here's something you can do:

results = sumsquares.using(
    q="sumsquares{!x as ssx, y as ssy} > square{rval, x}"
)(3, 4)
assert (results.q.map_all("ssx", "ssy", "x", "rval")
        == [([3], [4], [3, 4], [9, 16])])

Notice that you need to call map_all here, because some variables have multiple values with respect to the focus: we focus on the x argument to sumsquares, which calls square twice, so for each sumsquares{x} we get two square{x, rval}. The map method assumes there is only one value for each variable, so it will raise an exception.

Note that this view on the data does not necessarily preserve the correspondance between square{x} and square{rval}: you can't assume that the first x is in the same scope as the first rval, and so on.

Also notice that the expression does not end with > x. That's because square > x is the same as square{!x}: it sets the focus on x. However, we can only have one focus, therefore if we ended the query with > x it would be invalid.

Q: I want to do something crazy. I want square to always return 0.

A: Uhh... okay? Are you sure? You can use the tweak method to do this:

result = sumsquares.tweak({"square > rval": 0})(3, 4)
assert result == 0

This will apply to all calls to square within the execution of sumsquares. And yes, sumsquares.new(square=lambda x: 0) would also work in this case, but there is a difference: using the tweak method will apply to all calls at all call depths, recursively. The new method will only change square directly in the body of sumsquares.

Q: I want to do something else crazy. I want square to return x + 1.

A: Use the rewrite method.

result = sumsquares.rewrite({"square{x} > rval": lambda x: x + 1})(3, 4)
assert result == 9

Automatic CLI

Ptera can automatically create a command-line interface from variables annotated with a certain category. The main advantage of ptera.auto_cli relative to other solutions is that the arguments are declared wherever you actually use them. Consider the following program, for example:

def main():
    for i in range(1000):

if __name__ == "__main__":

It would be nice to be able to configure the number of iterations instead of using the hard-coded number 1000. Enter ptera.auto_cli:

from ptera import auto_cli, cat, default, ptera

def main():
    # Number of iterations
    n: cat.CliArgument = default(1000)
    for i in range(n):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    auto_cli(main, category=cat.CliArgument)

Then you can run it like this, for example:

$ python script.py --n 15
  • Ptera will look for any variable annotated with the specified category within @ptera functions that are accessible from main.
    • There is no need to pass an options object around. If you need to add an argument to any function in any file, you can just plop it in there and ptera should find it and allow you to set it on the command line.
    • You can declare multiple CLI arguments in multiple places with the same name. They will all be set to the same value.
  • The comment right above the declaration of the variable, if there is one, is used as documentation.
  • The default function provides a default value for the argument.
    • You don't have to provide one.
    • Ptera uses a priority system to determine which value to choose and default sets a low priority. If you set a value but don't wrap it with default, you will get a ConflictError when trying to set the variable on the command line. This is the intended behavior.

In the future, auto_cli will also support environment variables, configuration files, and extra options to catalogue all the variables that can be queried. For example, a planned feature is to be able to display where in the code each variable with a given category is declared and used.

Another future feature: since it is within ptera's ability to set different values for the parameter param depending on the call context (e.g. with the tweak method), the ability to do this in a configuration file will be added at some point (just need to figure out the format).

Query language

Here is some code annotated with queries that will match various variables. The queries are not exhaustive, just examples.

  • The semicolon ";" is used to separate queries and it is not part of any query.
  • The hash character "#" is part of the query if there is no space after it, otherwise it starts a comment.
from ptera import cat, ptera

def art(a, b):               # art > a ; art > b ; art{!a, b} ; art{a, !b}

    a1: cat.Animal = bee(a)  # a1 ; art > a1 ; art{!a1} ; art > $x
                             # a1:Animal ; $x:Animal
                             # art{!a1} > bee > d  # Focus on a1, also includes d
                             # art > bee  # This refers to the bee function
                             # * > a1 ; *{!a1}

    a2: cat.Thing = cap(b)   # a2 ; art > a2 ; art{!a2} ; art > $x
                             # a2:Thing ; $x:Thing

    return a1 + a2           # art > #value ; art{#value as art_result}
                             # art{} as art_result
                             # art > $x

def bee(c):
    c1 = c + 1               # bee > c1 ; art >> c1 ; art{a2} > bee > c1
                             # bee > c1 as xyz

    return c1                # bee > #value ; bee{c} as bee_value

def cap(d: cat.Thing & int): # cap > d ; $x:Thing ; $x:int ; cap > $x
                             # art{bee{c}} > cap > d
    return d * d
  • The ! operator marks the focus of the query. There will be one result for each time the focus is triggered, and when using tweak or rewrite the focus is what is being tweaked or rewritten.
    • Other variables are supplemental information, available along with the focus in query results. They can also be used to compute a value for the focus if they are available by the time the focus is reached.
    • The nesting operators > and >> automatically set the focus to the right hand side if the rhs is a single variable and the operator is not inside {...}.
  • The wildcard * stands in for any function.
  • The >> operator represents deep nesting. For example, art >> c1 encompasses the pattern art > bee > c1.
    • In general, a >> z encompasses a > z, a > b > z, a > b > c > z, a > * > z, and so on.
  • A function's return value corresponds to a special variable named #value.
  • $x will match any variable name. Getting the variable name for the capture is possible but requires the map_full method. For example:
    • Query: art > $x
    • Getting the names: results.map_full(lambda x: x.name) == ["a1", "a2", "#value"]
    • Other fields accessible from map_full are value, names and values, the latter two being needed if multiple results are captured together.
  • Variable annotations are preserved and can be filtered on, using the : operator. They may be types or "categories" (created using ptera.Category("XYZ") or ptera.cat.XYZ).
  • art{bee{c}} > cap > d triggers on the variable d in calls to cap, but it will also include the value of c for all calls to bee inside art.
    • If there are multiple calls to bee, all values of c will be pooled together, and it will be necessary to use map_all to retrieve the values (or map_full).


Ptera's query language syntax includes a lot of expressions, but it reduces to a relatively simple core:

# A lone symbol becomes a match for a variable in a wildcard function
a               <=>  *{!a}

# Nesting operator > is sugar for {...}
a > b           <=>  a{!b}
a > b > c       <=>  a{b{!c}}

# Infix >> is sugar for prefix >>
a >> b > c      <=>  a{>> b{!c}}
a >> b          <=>  a{>> !b}   <~>  a{>> *{!b}}  (see note)

# $x is shorthand for as
f{$x}           <=>  f{* as x}

# Indexing is sugar for #key
a[0]            <=>  a{#key=0}
a[0] as a0      <=>  a{#key=0, #value as a0}
a[$i] as a      <=>  a{#key as i, #value as a}

# Shorthand for #value
a{x, y} as b    <=>  a{x, y, #value as b}
a{} as b        <=>  a{#value as b}

Note: a{>> b} and a{>> *{!b}} are not 100% equivalent, because the former encompasses a{> b} and the latter does not, but internally the former is basically encoded as the latter plus a special "collapse" flag that there is no syntax for.