Note: unfinished software ahead. Pre-alpha!
The 2016 reissue of Moog's Minimoog Model D synthesizer added MIDI support to this iconic instrument.
This project contains a simple program to control global parameters and trigger commands. There is also a core library that you could use in your own software.
There is support for setting the following global parameters:
- Device ID (0-15 or all)
- MIDI Channel In (1-16)
- MIDI Channel Out (1-16)
- Key Priority (low, last, high)
- Multi Trigger (off, on)
- Bend Semitones (0-12 semitones)
- Output MIDI Pitch Bend (off, on)
- Output MIDI Pressure (off, on)
- Gate/Trigger Sources (external, external+local, external+ MIDI, external+local+MIDI)
- Tuning Error (off, on)
- Tuning Variance (0.0 to 50.0 cents)
- Tuning Program (twelve tone equal temperament and 3 custom MIDI tuning standard programs)
- Velocity Curve (soft, medium, hard)
- MIDI In Transpose (-12 to +12 semitones)
- MIDI Out Transpose (-12 to +12 semitones)
- Pressure CV Range (+5V, +10V)
- MIDI Note Zero Volts (0-127)
- Local Control (off, on)
There is also support for the following additional commands:
- Transmit firmware
- Erase firmware
- Transmit firmware version
- Restore default global settings
- Restore default velocity curves
- Randomize tuning error table
- Save tuning error table to EEPROM
And the following calibration commands are supported:
- Start pitch CV calibration
- Start pitch wheel calibration
- Start pressure calibration
Note that you need a reasonably good digital volt meter to perform these calibration procedures. Please refer to Moog's official data sheet (see below) for full calibration instructions.
Don't forget to connect your synth to your computer via MIDI. You'll need to connect your computer's MIDI out to your synth's MIDI in to be able to send commands to the synth, but some commands also require the synth being able to send data back to your computer, so also connect your synth's MIDI out to your computer's MIDI in.
This software is written in Kotlin. The only requirement for building from source is Oracle's Java SE Development Kit 8.
Build the source:
$ ./mvnw package
On Windows you may be able to use mvnw.cmd
instead of ./mvnw
Run the GUI like this:
$ java -jar model-d-control-ui/target/model-d-control-ui-X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Currently there is no real CLI/GUI yet, so only some information about the MIDI devices on your system is printed.
The core library and GUI are in separate modules, so you can use the functionality of the core library in your own programs as well.
Example usage in Java:
import ModelD
import DeviceId
import KeyPriority
import javax.sound.midi.Receiver
import javax.sound.midi.Transmitter
class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Initialize your MIDI receiver (MIDI Out port)
Receiver receiver = ...
// Initialize your MIDI transmitter (MIDI In port)
Transmitter transmitter = ...
// Create a ModelD instance
ModelD modelD = new ModelD(receiver, transmitter, DeviceId.ALL)
// Change the MIDI input channel
// Change the key priority
The official SysEx Data Sheet for the Minimoog Model D can be found on the Moog website.