
Shell snippets to auth and send remote control commands to Sony Bravia TVs

Primary LanguageShellISC LicenseISC


You need to set your TV to use a pre-shared key.

  1. Navigate to: [Settings] → [Network] → [Home Network Setup] → [IP Control]
  2. Set [Authentication] to [Normal and Pre-Shared Key]
  3. There should be a new menu entry [Pre-Shared Key]. Set it to a 4 digit value (e.g. 0000).


  1. Run print_ircc_codes.sh TV_IP_HERE to get an overview of the commands possible.
  2. Run send_command.sh TV_IP_HERE TC_PIN_HERE ONE_COMMAND_HERE. A command looks like AAAAAQAAAAEAAABgAw==.
  3. The TV will execute the command and immediately return. If you want to navigate through menus, you'll have to manually sleep until the TV has finished the command/animation.

See example_goto_media_player.sh on how to build your automations.

You can also use send_name.sh to execute a list of commands with a short delay in between each. This script requires that BRAVIA_IP and BRAVIA_PSK be set.

BRAVIA_IP= BRAVIA_PSK= send_name.sh WakeUp Hdmi1

This will wake the TV up and switch the input to HDMI 1. (Tested on Sony A80J.)

Note: The send_name.sh script adds a 200ms delay between each command, which might not be sufficient for opening apps like YouTube. Also, because of the limitations of emulating a remote control, not all operations are possible (such as opening a given URL using a specific app.)

Have fun!

More detailed explanation

The original blog post describes how to figure this out in general: https://blog.yrden.de/2014/11/14/remote-control-bravia-tvs-with-authentication.html

StefanPuntNL figured out how to use it with a Pre-Shared-Key, which is much simpler: https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8301