Title Case for Movable Type http://www.lowest-common-denominator.com/2008/05/title_case_for_movable_type.php Brook Elgie Version 1.1 Title Case for Movable Type is an MT enabled version of John Gruber's Title Case. http://daringfireball.net/2008/05/title_case License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php ==================================== Description: Smart and appropriate capitalisation of entry titles. ==================================== Installation: Place TitleCase.pl in the plugins directory of your Movable Type installation. * (mthome)/plugins/TitleCase.pl ==================================== Usage: To use TitleCase on your entry titles, add the global filter, titlecase="1". For example: <mt:EntryTitle titlecase="1" /> This will process the title through TitleCase to provide smart capitalisation. ==================================== Updates: 1.0 Initial release 1.1 Removed deprecated syntax for MT4 (note: will no longer work with previous versions of MT)