
Internal Python library filled with sugar for swallowing downscalingCMIP6 parameter files.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Test codecov


Internal Python library filled with sugar for swallowing downscalingCMIP6 parameter files.


import dearprudence

tasmax_spec = dearprudence.read_params("GFDL-ESM4-tasmax.yaml")

# Cmip6Record(activity_id='ScenarioMIP',
#             experiment_id='ssp370', 
#             table_id='day', 
#             variable_id='tasmax', 
#             source_id='GFDL-ESM4', 
#             institution_id='NOAA-GFDL', 
#             member_id='r1i1p1f1',
#             grid_label='gr1',
#             version='20180701')

tasmax_spec[0].variable_id = "foobar"
dearprudence.write_params("pointlessly_modified.yaml", tasmax_spec)

if dearprudence.cmip6_catalog_has(tasmax_spec[0].ssp):
    print("Exists in CMIP6 In The Cloud!")


Install with pip using:

pip install dearprudence

dearprudence requires Python > 3.9. No external packages are required. The intake_esm package needs to be installed to use dearprudence.check_cmip6_catalog().

Install the unreleased bleeding-edge version of the package with:

pip install git+https://github.com/brews/dearprudence


Source code is available online at https://github.com/brews/dearprudence/. This software is Open Source and available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


Please file bugs in the bug tracker.

Want to contribute? Great! Fork the main branch and file a pull request when you're ready. Please be sure to write unit tests and follow pep8. Fork away!