Seaset aims to provide the following functionality:
- Unified catalogue of observational data including near real time.
- Standarization of metadata across providers
- automatic updates
Update 07/2023
- Update the Catalog Notebook; retrieving the latest version of searvey and merging also the GESLA3 Dataset
- Merged all the datasets into one table, fusioning also the parameters for duplicated rows= total number of stations: 6101 (7690 stations - 1589 duplicates). That can be found in catalog_new.csv
- Merged 2 projects: searvey and GESLA3. Also please go directly on the GESLA3 website to download their TG (tide gauge) database (~5Gb compressed)
- added the script from
- modified the script to be able to select from a certain region of world
- added U_tide fonction for analysis of the tide constituents