Gots tons of thumbnails clogging up your requests? Why merge them all into a single image / single request?
Library is whole dependent on Image Magick for processing files, the gem will let you know if it can’t find the necessary binaries
After Save callback in Rails 3, using paperclip to regenerate an image based on changes
after_save :generate_thumbnail_image def generate_thumbnail_image Allthumbs.generate ( {|x| x.image.path }), "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/images/thumbnail-image.jpg", { :row => 3, :border => 2 } end
Comes with a complete rspec suite:
$ rake test
Develop some kind of helper to assist in generation of supporting HTML, e.g. you would like have rollovers or popups for each thumbnail
Thoughtbot (heavily influenced by paperclip)
Rick Webb (championing the open source cause)