caer ==== AER event-based framework, written in C, targeting embedded systems. REQUIREMENTS: cmake >= 2.6 gcc >= 4.9 or clang >= 3.6 libcaer >= 2.0.0 mini-xml (mxml) >= 2.7 allegro5 >= 5.0.11 (optional, only if using the Visualizer) INSTALLATION: 1) configure: $ cmake . One of the following options is required to select a device: -DDVS128=1 - set dvs128 (for DVS128 model) -DDAVISFX2=1 - set davisfx2 (for DAVIS240A/B/C models) -DDAVISFX3=1 - set davisfx3 (for FX3 platform models) Optional input/output modules: -DENABLE_FILE_INPUT=1 -DENABLE_NETWORK_INPUT=1 -DENABLE_FILE_OUTPUT=1 -DENABLE_NETWORK_OUTPUT=1 Optional modules: -DENABLE_BAFILTER=1 - enable background activity filter module -DENABLE_STATISTICS=1 - enable console statistics module -DENABLE_VISUALIZER=1 - enable visualizer module -DENABLE_IMAGEGENERATOR=1 - enable image generator -DENABLE_CAMERACALIBRATION=1 - enable camera calibration this requires OpenCV 3.1.0 to be installed - -DENABLE_IMAGESTREAMERVISUALIZER=1 - this module produces images by accumulating a fixed number of spikes. (press "r" to start recording png and "s" to stop) This module can be configured by editing the file: "module/imagescreamervisualizer/imagescreamervisualizer.h" parameters: numSpikes 7000 // number of spikes that are accumulated per image control keys: "p" to save images as _pos_id.png "n" to save images as _neg_id.png "t" to save iamges as _testing_id.png "s" stop recording images, but keep displaying them -DENABLE_CAFFEINTERFACE=1 - Caffe interface to cAER, deep learning framework - - This module depends on the visualizer module and on the imagestreamer (ie. it requires -DENABLE_VISUALIZER=1 and -DENABLE_IMAGESTREAMERVISUALIZER=1) It also requires Caffe installed as well as Boost/OpenCV/Protobuffer (same as Caffe). You can load deep networks that have been trained with Caffe (like alexnet/caffenet/vgg etc.) This module can be configured by editing the file: "module/caffeinterface/settings.h" -DCAFFE_CPU_ONLY=1 - to use the Caffe framework with CPU only (ie. no GPU) 2) build: $ make 3) install: $ make install USAGE: $ caer-bin (see docs/ for more info on how to use cAER) $ caer-ctl (run-time settings control program, optional)