Official community-supported Java implementation of Hierarchal Temporal Memory (HTM), ported from the Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing python project.
NOTE: Minimum JavaSE version is 1.8 - Current Version on Maven Central [(0.6.1)] (
Recent News Items...
- Receives newly updated and re-written TemporalMemory and MonitorMixinFramework - for test reporting and monitoring (08/23/2015)
- Splits off Demo repository (08/19/2015)
- Receives new Hot Gym Demo (08/15/2015)
News Archives...
- [ Receives new Gitter Chat Room] ( (08/12/2015)
- [ Receives new demo video!] ( (08/11/2015)
- Receives two new demos! (07/26/2015)
- Now versioned and up on Maven Central! (06/12/2015)
- Recieves New Network API (06/08/2015)
- is now OFFICIAL! See the announcement (02/25/2015)
- Now Has Anomaly Detection & Anomaly Likelihood Prediction! (02/22/2015)
- Recieves New Benchmarking Tools (02/2015)
- Reaches Functional Completion (12/2014)
Change Log (Updated! 2015-08-29)
View- Change log itemizes the release history.
- Contains an "Unreleased" section which lists changes coming in the next release as they're being worked on - (should help users keep in touch with the current evolution of
For a more detailed discussion of see:
See the Test Coverage Reports - For more information on where you can contribute! Extend the tests and get your name in bright lights!
For answers to more detailed questions, email the nupic-discuss mailing list, or chat with us on Gitter.
For more detailed discussions regarding specifically, come chat with us here: needs you!
Call to Arms:Goals
The primary goal of this library development is to provide a Java version of NuPIC that has a 1-to-1 correspondence to all systems, functionality and tests provided by Numenta's open source implementation; while observing the tenets, standards and conventions of Java language best practices and development.
By working closely with Numenta and receiving their enthusiastic support and guidance, it is intended that this library be maintained as a viable Java language alternative to Numenta's C++ and Python offerings. However it must be understood that "official" support is (for the time being) currently limited to community resources such as the maintainers of this library and Numenta Forums / Message Lists and IRC:
Updated!(05/2015) Eclipse Environment Setup Wiki
Installation -An Eclipse IDE .project and .classpath file are provided so that the cloned project can be easily set up inside of Eclipse. For the time being, the Eclipse IDE is the only "pre-made" project configuration.
In addition, there are "launch configurations" for all of the tests and any runnable entities off of the "" main directory. These may be run directly in Eclipse by right-clicking them and choosing "run".
After download by clone or fork:
Execute a quick sanity check by running all the tests from within the <path to git repo>/
gradle check # Executes the tests and runs the benchmarks
gradle -Pskipbench check # Executes the tests w/o running the benchmarks
Note: Info on installing gradle can be found on the wiki (look at #3.) here
Linux Gradle Issues? see the wiki here.
Project Integration (New)
For tips and insights on how to use the Network API to add HTM's into your own applications, see:
...and for more in-depth answers see: