
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

ADR Tools in PHP

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A PHP based command-line interface tool for working with Architecture Decision Records (ADR).

About ADR

Architecture Decision Records (ADR) is a technique for capturing important architectural decisions, along with their context and consequences as described by Michael Nygard in his article: Documenting Architecture Decisions.


Requires PHP version 7.1.3 or newer


You can install this tool using the Composer, execute the following command.

composer require globtec/phpadr --dev


After of install this project you may execute the binary phpadr in your terminal:


If to execute the command above, it will be showd a list of all avaliable tool commands.

By default the records will be stored in docs/arch, to change this workspace use the option --directory with the path of the new workspace.

Create a new ADR

You may use the make:decision command:

./vendor/bin/phpadr make:decision <title> [<status="Accepted">] [--directory="docs/arch"]

Count the ADRs

You may use the workspace:count command:

./vendor/bin/phpadr workspace:count [--directory="docs/arch"]

List the ADRs

You may use the workspace:list command:

./vendor/bin/phpadr workspace:list [--directory="docs/arch"]


For more help execute the following command:

./vendor/bin/phpadr <command> --help