In this example we virtualize 6 UART full duplex in baud rate 9600. All UART work together parallelly!
The function SoftUartHandler(void)
must call in interrupt every 0.2*(1/BR)
if BR=9600
then 0.2*(1/9600)=20.8333333 uS
highly recommended set maximum CPU clock for Run Handler faster as possible!
The library don't change any GPIO config! before using must config TX pins as output and RX pins as input , any TX pin must set to 1 as IDLE and any RX pin must be Pullup.
for Baud Rate 9600 :
Config | value |
Timer Clock | 72 MHz |
Prescaler (PSC - 16 bits value) | 74 |
Counter Period (AutoReload Register - 16 bits value ) | 19 |
auto-reload preload | Enable |
Tim global interrupt | Enable |
void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)
Open softuart.h
and edit bellow line as you want:
#define Number_Of_SoftUarts 6
#define SoftUartTxBufferSize 32
#define SoftUartRxBufferSize 64
If Number_Of_SoftUarts=6
that mean you SoftUartNumber
is 0,1,2,3,4,5
after config timer for config Soft UART use SoftUartInit
SoftUartState_E SoftUartInit(uint8_t SoftUartNumber,GPIO_TypeDef *TxPort,uint16_t TxPin,GPIO_TypeDef *RxPort,uint16_t RxPin);
Transmit always is Possible but for Receiving data you must enable listening by calling:
SoftUartState_E SoftUartEnableRx(uint8_t SoftUartNumber);
Received data stored in buffer accessible by below functions:
uint8_t SoftUartRxAlavailable(uint8_t SoftUartNumber);
SoftUartState_E SoftUartReadRxBuffer(uint8_t SoftUartNumber,uint8_t *Buffer,uint8_t Len);
Transmit data:
SoftUartState_E SoftUartPuts(uint8_t SoftUartNumber,uint8_t *Str,uint8_t Len);
void SoftUartWaitUntilTxComplate(uint8_t SoftUartNumber);