
Implementation of the LLaMA language model based on nanoGPT. Supports quantization, LoRA fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0-licensed.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


⚡ Lit-LLaMA ️

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Lit-LLaMA and pineapple pizza

⚡ Lit-LLaMA ️

Independent implementation of LLaMA that is fully open source under the Apache 2.0 license.

This implementation builds on nanoGPT.


We believe that AI should be fully open source and part of the collective knowledge.

The original LLaMA code is GPL licensed which means any project using it must also be released under GPL.

This "taints" any other code and prevents meaningful academic and commercial use.

Lit-LLaMA solves that for good.


Design principles

Lit-LLaMA is:

  • Simple: Single-file implementation without boilerplate.
  • Correct: Numerically equivalent to the original model.
  • Optimized: Runs on consumer hardware or at scale.
  • Open-source: No strings attached.

Get involved!

Join our Discord to build high-performance, truly open-source models for the common benefit of the community.



Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lit-llama
cd lit-llama

install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

You are all set! 🎉


Use the model

To generate text predictions, download the model weights following the instructions on the official LLaMA repository. Note that currently the weights are still under a research-only license, there's no change to that (yet 🤓).

Once downloaded, you should have a folder like this:

├── 7B
│   ├── checklist.chk
│   ├── consolidated.00.pth
│   └── params.json
├── 13B
│   ...
├── tokenizer_checklist.chk
└── tokenizer.model

Convert the weights to the Lit-LLaMA format:

python scripts/convert_checkpoint.py \
    --output_dir checkpoints/lit-llama \
    --ckpt_dir checkpoints/llama \
    --tokenizer_path checkpoints/llama/tokenizer.model \
    --model_size 7B

Run inference:

python generate.py --prompt "Hello, my name is"

This will run the 7B model and require ~26 GB of GPU memory (A100 GPU).

Run Lit-LLaMA on consumer devices

For GPUs with less memory, enable quantization (--quantize true). This will take longer to load but require ~8GB of memory. This can run on any consumer GPU.

python generate.py --quantize true --prompt "Hello, my name is"

See python generate.py --help for more options.


Finetune the model

We provide a simple training script in finetune.py that instruction-tunes a pretrained model on the Alpaca dataset and also integrates LoRA.

  1. Download the data and generate a instruction tuning dataset:

    python scripts/prepare_alpaca.py
  2. Run the finetuning script

    python finetune.py

It is expected that you have downloaded the pretrained weights as described above. The finetuning requires a GPU with 40 GB memory (A100). Coming soon: LoRA + quantization for training on a consumer-grade GPU!

Get involved!

We're in a quest towards fully open source AI.


Join us and start contributing, especially on the following areas:

Look at train.py for a starting point towards pre-training / fine-tuning using Lightning Fabric.

Don't forget to join our Discord!



Lit-LLaMA is released under the Apache 2.0 license.